Baekhyun (Bully)

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"Forgive me?"
Requested by : ayesmiles

It all started when I was just 12 years old and moved into a new neighborhood.

You know that one person or character that opens up your sexual fantasies? Whether it be Mickey Mouse or Peter Pan, we all had one. You see, Byun Baekhyun was mine.

Not only was he breathtakingly beautiful, he had a wonderful voice -not that I sat by his window for ages to listen to him-..

He frequently liked to dye his hair a dark purple or a light burgundy. No matter what color, he still looked great. I was infatuated with him.

I guess that was the problem to begin with.

The day I realized he was the biggest jerks of all jerks (don't judge my vocabulary, I was 12) was when school started, which meant, new teachers.

You could say I was overly excited to see that Baekhyun had the same class as me, not only that, he sat right by me, due to our last names. I couldn't contain the excitement.

"Hey y/n. You live by me don't you?" He asked.

Wow he looks better up close.

"I think so." I tried to play it off cool.

"Because, sometimes I see somebody that looks exactly like you, sitting by my window for hours on end."

Oh shit.

And that is also how I said my first swear word.

"That's funny..!" God I hate myself.

"Isn't it? And I really wouldn't want a stalker sitting by me for the rest of the year."

Was he always this mean.

Just like he said, Byun Baekhyun walks up to the teacher, and quietly(fortunately) asks her to move his seat. Unfortunately, she doesn't.

"Lord help me." My 12 year old self whispers.

Just thinking about 5 years ago makes me laugh. Oh, how much it's changed since then.

-15 year old you-

All of my friends had prom dates, except me. They insisted that it was fine and they could just go as a group. They're kidding right? I couldn't be that loner friend, wheeling behind.

"Oh it's fine, I'm sure I'll get a date by then." shit, where am I gonna get a date?!

As if it was destiny, Byun Baekhyun walked by, hands shoved in his leather jacket. He glanced at me and squinted, as if thinking of another snarky remark.

I waited to hear some of the frequently used sayings (hey stalker face; are you done being obsessed with me; might want to lay off the cupcakes). Instead, I got something entirely different.

He didn't say a word.

You thought he was going to ask me to prom didn't you? Very funny..

Instead, Baekhyun smoothly walked by, fixing his non-messy sandy brown hair.

"Wow is he still rude to you?" One of your friends asked.

"What do you mean still? He always will and always has been." You crossed your arms over your chest, why does it matter so much anyway?

As I got home, I collapsed on my bed, tired of school.

"I hate Byun Baekhyun." I chanted quietly.

"You know I can hear you."

I fall from the bed, then rub my elbow from the impact. "What the fuck, why are you on my roof."

Baekhyun is sitting on the roof sill by your window, with perfect wind blown hair.

"To see how stupid you are."

"Of course, what else is new?" I sigh. Im about to close your window when Baekhyun says something.

"Well I don't have a prom date." He seems nervous? I'm probably imagining it..

"So what?" I can't help but acknowledge the thumping of my heart.

Baekhyun makes an expression of disgruntle, "we should go together because obviously nobody is going with you."

"Okay." I'm about to close the window, "wait what."

"You heard me y/n."

And then he leaves.

I peer out the window, "what the fuck was that Byun!"

I hear my mother yell from downstairs, "no profanity young girl!"


It's the night of prom. Baekhyun sent me a picture of his tie a few weeks ago. Wasnt I supposed to be picking the color?

All of my friends can't believe that I'm going to prom with my arch nemesis. It doesn't really matter though, it's not like I'll be spending the whole night with him..right?

Baekhyun sends me a text saying that he can't pick me up and to meet him at the place. How gentleman like..

It's the end of the night and Baekhyun hasn't shown up. I guess I was the stupid one for believing he actually wanted to go to prom with me.

I'm about to leave when I feel somebody grab my wrist.

"I'd be stupid to leave a pretty girl here all by herself."

It's Baekhyun.


"You heard me y/n. You know I've never thought of you as ugly."

"Well you've never said so." I glare.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to come to prom with you."

"And I'd be lying if I said I hated you."

Everyone was leaving, it was midnight.

Baekhyun puts out a hand, "may I have this dance?"

You smile,



"You're still a dick Baekhyun."

"You like my dick."


Hi guys!!!! I started spring break on Monday which meant I had a lot of time to write..but I didn't. Sorry guys ahhhh I feel so bad. I hope this makes up for it :) I had fun writing about a bully scenario. Sorry I couldn't really interpret that very well..
So I read a lot of FANFICS and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to make a book about me recommending fics? I know it's hard to find good ones sometimes so I thought of this idea ^^ they would all be Exo fics, tell me what you think!!
What do you guys think of CALL ME BABY?? I'm so in love ❤️ and xiumin's abs like /dead/.
Thanks for all the requests and votes/reads!! Wow you guys don't know how thankful I am!! :D

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