Luhan (romantic)

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It seemed like it was just yesterday when Luhan proposed to you. How did your wedding day come so quickly? Your heart was pounding as you sat in the salon getting your hair done.

"You're very beautiful miss, he is a lucky man." The hairdresser kindly spoke.

"Him? I'm the lucky one, not him." You said, sincerely meaning it too.

Luhan was the sweetest, most handsome man you've ever meant. He made you happy and that was all that mattered.

The ladies at the shop helped you put on your long wedding dress. Luhan picked this one for you, you were excited to show him how you looked.

Even though you weren't gonna see him until another hour, you were more nervous than ever.

You loved him. And you would never do anything to lose that love.

Soon, it was time for the ceremony. You could see Luhan at the podium, standing tall and looking at you lovingly.

This was it.

You linked arms with your father while he walked you down the aisle. The audience took pictures and some even cried.

Luhan quickly took you hand when you got to the podium. Your heart still beating the same way it was 3 years ago when you began dating.

"y/n, I believe I lived 25 years, 2 months, and 21 days for this day. I love you so much, even though you might gossip about things to me. And I'll agree with you even if you were wrong. You can be clumsy and forgetful, but that's what I love about you. I love how pure hearted you are. I love you y/n and I'm so glad I'm getting married to you."

Your eyes began to well up with tears. You loved him, and you couldn't ask for a better husband.

"You may kiss the bride."

This is where my life starts.


(A/N) : sorry this one was short! I've been working on a fanfiction I will be posting soon :) But omg, 30 reads?! It might not be a lot but I'm so thankful that you guys are reading! :)))

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