First day nerves

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It was your average day in Mori town. A young student was about to start his first day at his new school.

"What will I wear today?" Blight sighed to himself as he looked in the closet. "Gotta make a good first impression...can't let anyone find out my secret..."

He shook his head at that thought and picked out his nicest cardigan and some skinny jeans with holes in them. Once he was dressed he went to brush his gooey mouth out. He ran downstairs once he was done getting ready for school.

"Good morning son." Blights father, Felix, said to him when he walked into the kitchen. Blight nodded to him and grabbed his special cereal, syringe-o's.

As he ate in silence Felix read his newspaper before looking over at his son. "Are you ready for school? I know it's been rough since-"

"Yeah. I'll be fine" he said grumpily and got up to put his bowl in the sink. "I'm headed out now. Bye"

Felix sighed at his gooey son and went back to reading the newspaper bc that's what dads do.


Blight walked to school with his headphones in, singing along to the song

"His dick smaller than my toes. Yeah yes smaller than my toes. His dick smaller than my toes. I'd rather ride squidward nose"

CupcakKe was his favorite artist. Yeah. I guess you could say he was a little quirky.

He sighed as he walked into the school building and saw other students already there. "It's gonna be a long day" he thought to himself.

As he walked into the office, he smelt it. An alpha. He looked around and saw a handsome boy his age sitting in the office. The boy stood up

"You must be the new student" he said in a bored tone. "I'm kai. I have to show you around"

"Oh. Nice to meet you. Im blight" he held out his hand to shake.

Kai stared at it and walked away "whatever. Come on new kid" he said bc this is an enemies to lover so I gotta start the drama somewhere.

"Hes cute but such an asshole. Typical alphas" blight thought as he ran to keep up with the taller boy. "Well. Let's just get through the day. I'll be ok..."

Little did he know, he was in for a long and interesting next couple of months...

Blight raining nightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora