Alpha x Alpha?

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Blight sighed as he followed kai around the school

"So what are you?" Kai suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Hmm?"

Blight sighed louder. Typical. "Me? Oh. I'm an..alpha"

"Yeah. Thought so. So am I?" Kai said snuggly bc he's smelly. "You should do fine then. You wouldn't want to be caught as an omega. Or worst of all.. a beta bitch" he shivered dramatically.

"Yeah. Lol. Well. I'll head to class. Bye"

"Whatever bitch" Kai walked off.

Blight shook his head and put his headphones back in and continued to listen to his tunes.

"Currently working on a Grammy
Meanwhile, pussy poppin' with ya man in Miami
(Material Girl)"

(Bro he's quirky let him listen)
When he sat down at his chair, he noticed the kid next to him staring. "Umm..hi?"

"Hi I'm alfie and I too am quirky? You listening to some tunes?"

"Quiet class! I know we have a new student but we still have learning to do" their teacher Ms. Spirit said. "Now. Blight. Come up and introduce yourself"

He sighed for like the 20th time that day and walked up. "Hi. My name is Blight and I just moved here from Entity city. My favorite musician is Avril Lavigne and cupcakKe."

"That was lovely blight. Now please sit down next to alfie and we'll get started"

Blight nodded and sat next to the weird alpha again.


"What a drag" blight said as he walked to the lunch room after classes. As he was walking and listening to his tunes, he bumped into someone "oh heck. I'm so sorry!" He gasped as he went to help the person he knocked over

"Oh no worries! Happens all the time. Hehe silly me. Oh. I'm raiden!" They held out they're hand

*sniff sniff* they kinda a baka i mean omega. "Oh. You ok?"

They nodded and started running to the cafeteria again "I'm fine. I'm just silly goofy"

"Whatever that means. Oh well.. lunch time I guess. I'll just read or something angsty teens do..". As he sat down at a table, he saw Kai sitting with a group of people, one sitting awfully close. Another alpha?  Whatever I don't care if he's close to anyone else. He's just a stupid alpha.

Blight sighed again and went back to his brooding. "I wonder what they're talking about?"


I wonder indeed. Who could it be? Who's this alfie kid and what's his deal? Find out next time... on Blight raining night

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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