Stars (1/2)

25 7 4

"As the omega, you obey me."

"Who said that I should?"

"You're gonna regret saying that."

"Make me."


Wonwoo had no idea how he ended up in this cold, grey cell. All he remembered was the snide remarks, glowing red eyes, and a whistling beside his ear before something clapped him in the back of the neck, throwing him into a world of darkness, unconsciousness.

Now awaken by the tapping of clean footsteps mixed with the sharp rattle of chains and cell bars, who's noises formed a sort of sadistic yet familiar melody, he had the opportunity to scan his new enclosure.

Enclosures. That's what they'd always be to him. Not even a temporary home. That'd be raising the bar too high and he didn't appreciate that. He'd never call any place home ever again. But at least this new owner had standards.

It was almost luxurious, a million times better compared to the old place: comprising a bed, wardrobe, bathroom and table. All seemingly brand new, which made him wonder if this guy was such a neat freak that he had to make sure even his subordinates use new stuff each time. Especially in... Events that shouldn't be mentioned outright.

His assessment of his surroundings had yet to complete due to his disoriented state, when the one freed beyond these walls stopped right outside, gazing upon him through the metal bars.

"I see you're awake."

"I'm not in the mood to play games, Mingyu."

"That's alpha to you, omega, and you'd do well to keep it that way. There are consequences."

The smirk etched on the alpha's face instantly rubbed Wonwoo the wrong way.

"Consequences my ass..." he muttered bitterly under his breath.

"What was that?"

Feigning ignorance, the alpha cupped his hands around one ear. "What was that? Didn't catch you the first time."

And that was the last straw. Feeling his blood boil, Wonwoo did what his heart told him to do and lost his temper... And all logic.

"I said, what kind of consequences could you even push onto me?"

He pushed himself off the floor, marching over and firmly slammed his hands onto the bars separating the two, gripping them with enough force for the bars to bend slightly while his eyes grew dark with rage.

"Wanna take my virginity? Too bad I lost it long ago. You knew what you were getting into by buying off omegas didn't you. Fuck me to death? You wouldn't be the first to threaten me with that, and you won't be the last either. I'm already nothing, and I have nothing to lose. Whatever your consequences are, they're meaningless to me."


Shortly after his outburst, Mingyu had left, quoting "he had stuff to do" to explain his sudden departure. But Wonwoo knew better, he was probably off to punish some other omega. He couldn't be the only lowlife in this mansion. And there was no way in hell that the high lord would pick the new, uncooperative omega as his plaything for the day.

As far as he could sense, there weren't any other living things down here apart from himself and the rats that scurried just beyond reach. Even those nasty blighters seemed to have a brighter future than be. At least they weren't living at the mercy of another soul.

Staring up at the bare ceiling, a wave of emotion rushed through him. He'd be stuck here for all eternity.

But at least he wouldn't be alone, it appeared, as the pleading voice of someone echoed down the empty corridor. The cry was accompanied by the clattering of chains against the ground and the sound of someone being dragged across the floor. Sighs and groans of effort from the person dragging as he appeared to be having a hard time.

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