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Inspired by: Eternal Sunshine by ATEEZ


With bits of Wonwoo


If I could leave you with one memory
What moment would you like to remember?

If I can leave one memory
It will be this moment

"Jihoonie!! Wake up!!"

Oops, wrong moment.

Never mind, just continue from here

"It's too early..."

"It's 11pm?"

"Definitely too early. Good night."

"You don't even know what I wanna do!"

"Hmm, yes. I'm not falling for it this time, soonyoung."

"Come on, that was one timeeee"

"Do you think I still want to trust you after you pranked me that time?"

"But pranks are fun!"

"Not every day is April fools!"

"Every day should be fun like April fools," the older chimes in as he pulls the younger one up off the bed, only to collapse back onto the bed, along with the younger, who chortles with laughter.

"Hah weak!"

"At least it made you happy. You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

They watch as the older spreads his arms, a portal opening up on the wall, a warp leading into a fantastical world...


Where they become pixies.

"Why are we here again?" *sighs*

"Because I like this place?"

"Next one."

"I wanna stay here for a while."


"Okaaaaaaaay, I got the message."


"Where do you want to go? Tell me where you'd like to go."

"The place where all dreams seem possible."

This time, both watch as Jihoon opens a portal in thin air, the glowing circle starting from the smallest dot and expanding into a golden circle of light. From within, the two could already see the beautiful scenery.

"You first."


As time passes
You and I will make an evеrlasting festival
A night where еven the darkness sleeps
Let the eternal sunshine

"Why are we here?"

"I told you, I'm at the place where all dreams seem possible."

"But this is the place where we first met?"

"Are you thick?"

"Hold on, I'm joining the dots."

"Do you know how much I actually liked you but didn't know how to say it?"

"Who asked you to be so shy-"

"Yeah... So that day when we met at Wonwoo's party, that was fate for me."

season greetings | oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora