oh you poor thing...

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Welcome to part 4 of kokoxfem!mikey sorry if this is bad its 4:37am and i haven't slept and i have to go back to the hospital tomorrow to check on my thumb and have an x-ray to make sure nothings moved and to get a thumb cast(i only have a bandage with something i think is metal in it to support my thumb) anyway lets get into this

Mikey:{muttering while walking}

Koko:oh you poor thing...


Koko:{walks out of the alleyway}me

Mikey:huh,do i know you?

Koko:n but i know you

Koko:let me introduce myself kokonui but most people call me koko for short

Mikey:wait...you mean koko the young bilionaire..?

Koko:oh so you do know me

Mikey:well not really,I've heard of you but my question is what's someone like you doing here

Koko:well sweetie I'm here for you😏

Mikey:1 don't call me sweetie 2 nice joke why would you be here for me?

Koko:well ive got a liking to you and it says here in your file your pretty rich yourself


Koko:yes but that's not the point


Koko:the question or the point is why would you hide being rich?unless...

Mikey:{looks down}

Koko:HAHAHA!oh my god this is to good to be true you were used for your money weren't you{smirks}

Mikey:s-shut up

*Mikey's POV*

I feel a course of anger hiring me like a train how dare he look through my file with out my permission and yet say the reason why i hide it. He's a complete jerk i hate him i hate him
But then he says something disgusting and shocking that it makes me wanna puke

*out of Mikey's POV*

koko:anyway the reason im here is because i want you to join our gang and be my queen

Mikey:WHAT?!?why would i do that

Koko:well you don't really have a choice since you'll end up with me even if i have to (f o r c e) you{smiles}😁


koko:night,night mikey

*Mikey's POV*

Before i could finish talking i felt a sharp pain in my neck i felt numb,tired,and weak yet my body kept on fighting and fighting till my eye lids were slowly closing and the last thing i saw was 4 blurry figures standing in front of me the last thing i heard was "night,night mikey" before i passed out i don't remember anything after passing out

*out of Mikey's POV*

*koko's POV*

As i was talking to mikey i saw sanzu,rin,and ran and i took this opportunity to take what's mine so i signed the 3 boys to get the sleeping drug obviously sanzu understood and went to get the needle while the other 2 idiots stood there confused,when sanzu came back they started to walk towards us but they stopped since mikey started to turn her head to look around so i started to talk again and she looked angry with was cute and the boys got closer so they could include the drug but waited till the time was perfect then Mikey's body dropped to the floor thanks to the drug and then as the drug was slowly working i bent down and said "night,night mikey" with a smyg look on my face

*out of koko's POV*

Rindou:what are we gonna do with her now?

Koko:were gonna take her back to the base and make sure she doesn't escape

Rin:ok boss{says in a mocking turn}

Koko:haha very funny{picks mikey up}come on lets put her in the car and go back to the base


Oh no poor mikey what will happen to her will she be safe and what base is she going to be at

money cant buy loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant