Part 1: The first accidental slip

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Nobody's POV

Steven hung up the phone with his therapist, he placed it on his night stand and sat up. He gently rubbed his eye and blinked, he didn't like the clothes he was wearing, for some reason it was itchy and uncomfortable to him. But the thing was, he wore these clothes all the time! This hasn't happened before, not at all, he heard some people online felt like this when they regressed, but he wasn't starting to slip right? He got up quickly, "Oh swoot!-" He silenced himself, he was slipping, oh why now?! He was stressed due to all the work he had to do today but, it was apart of his job! He felt as he was getting smaller and more helpless, he held onto something to prevent him from falling but he still did. When he hit the ground it hurt more then it usually did, he held back tears and climbed back into bed. He didn't like his big boy clothes and he wanted the gems but he was scared of them finding out.

He once again, got out his bed and walked out like a big boy, he wanted to be big for the gems. He went to kitchen, he struggled looked through the fridge, he saw left over boiled eggs from yesterday's batch. He stuck his tongue out and made a yuck sound, he looked somewhere else and saw a large jug of extra chocolate milk. His mouth drooled, literally, he grabbed the jug but clumsily dropped it, it didn't break but he was mad about it. He sat down on the floor struggling to open the jug of milk, this went on for many minutes.

Garnet's POV

I return back to the house, it was nice and empty but I saw the fridge opened and heard some noises coming from there too.. I was suspicious so I went over there quietly and closed the fridge and looked down, it was Steven! He looked up at me with those cute little bitty eyes, reminds me of when he was younger.. "Ah the memories" I thought, I looked at the little cutie pie and realized he was just struggling to open a jug of milk. Classic Steven, "Do you need help Steven?" I asked, he responded with a few happy nods. I take a cup from the shelf and place it on the counter, I open the jug with ease and pour the chocolate milk in the clear cup. I handed it to him and looks at me, "F'ank you Gawnet!" He said, I was a bit confused on why he spoke like that but, I didn't ask him about it. "You're welcome, Cutie Pie." I responded.

Nobody's POV

Steven wobbles to the couch and drinks his chocolate milk, he was deep in regression due to distracting himself with opening the jug of milk. He took his last sip and placed down the big boy cup, he was still uncomfortable with the clothes he was in and he just noticed that again when he was finished drinking the milk. He just started to whine, struggling to take off his clothes himself, Garnet noticed this and went over to Steven. "Hey Steven, do you need help?" She asked with a calm tone in her voice, "Nwo, I'm big.. I can bo!" He replied, still struggling with removing his own clothing. Garnet gave a chuckle as she now knew what was going on with Steven, she used future vision to get an answer after all. She picked up the little and took him to his room, she took off her shades to seem less threatening to him, he was in little space after all. She sat him down on his bed, and started to look for clothes that he would like, she found a blue onesie with a star on the back of it.

"Aww, this is adorable.. Why wouldn't he want to tell us this?" Garnet thought to herself, she took the onesie and headed back to Steven who was sucking on his finger. "Steven! No, don't suck on your finger, it's gross." She took his finger out his mouth, Steven whined. Garnet just gently undressed Steven and tried to put him in his onesie. "No! No wantie!" Steven complained as he shuffled around, Garnet sighed, it was a bit of a struggle to change the little. "Steven, if you stay still, we can play with your toys, okay?" Garnet vocalized, being patient with the boy. The little boy groaned and let Garnet change him, he was put in his onesie. "See how easy it was, little one? Now let's go play with your toys." Steven giggled as he got carried back downstairs to the living room.

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