Chapter 24

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Once I got the hang of it, June directed me what to do from the outside

as I rebuild The Grand Wonder in a way to pass over the ravine

we were so busy concentrating that we didn't even notice that Greta, Steve, Gus, Cooper, and Boomer came to see what was happening once we had finished building the bridge June yelled

" (y/n) look! Everyone's here I nodded as we both made our way to them, I got out of the Skyflinger as June said.

" It's time to bring Wonderland back to life " I stood next to her and sighed

" Guys, I know we let you down. But we want to make it right. "

" —How do you know it'll work? " Greta asked June and I smiled while saying in sync.

" —Because we built this place. " June turned around and added.

" Our mom and we did. " June turned back to Greta and continued.

" But... She got sick and had to stop. And we got scared "

" So, scared of losing mom that we didn't realize we lost ourselves " I added

" And... Y'know she would hate to see us this way, see how we changed and not for the better, " I continued, June grabbed my hand and exclaimed.

" Now buckle up! We're gonna ride that coaster like the wind. Who's with me?

Everyone shouted that they're with her except Boomer, and apparently he's afraid of hight's

luckily he fell asleep, giving Gus and Cooper the chance to put him on a cart and push him all the way up to the top we left Boomer there while Greta went to get more carts

but after a few minutes, Boomer woke up again and started to scream, making June shout " BOOMER! WE'LL BE RIGHT UP. GRETA JUST HAS TO GET THE OTHER CART! "

I looked around, noticing Greta wasn't back yet, making me say " Imma go see where Greta is "

June nodded as I walked off to find Greta I found Greta after going all the way back to the entrance of the ride when she said " Dammit where are all the carts? " 

A Park full of Wonder { Peanut x Fem Reader }Where stories live. Discover now