Chapter 29

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Suddenly we heard someone gasp, I glanced behind me when the kid with a haircut held out a blueprint and said " Look! (y/n). My name is the key! "

(y/n) took the blueprint and glanced between clockwork swings that was now also covered with 

a few bendy straws and back at the blueprint

she turned to me and wanted to say something, but I had to create a gap between bendy straws again

I once we were in a bendy straw, she quickly said " Peanut! Write my sister's name! "

I turned to her confused and asked " What? "

She rolled her eyes with a smile and continued, " Turn the gears, -by writing my little sister, June's name! "

I got a smile on my face and exclaimed, " -The gears! Hold on, everybody! "

I started to write (y/n) little sister's name 'June' around the gears while (y/n) made June sit next to me and gave June the blueprint (y/n) looked down and saw that the gears weren't turning and exclaimed

" Of course! The chimpanzombies took away a couple gears! " I gasped and asked while still writing June's name.

" So June's name isn't going to be enough? " (y/n) shook her head when suddenly June added

" (y/n)! You're hands! " (y/n) and I looked at her hands just to see them glowing the same way my 

pen does when I draw something suddenly a part of the Darkness took us off course ripping all the mascots apart

except for me, June and (y/n). Suddenly (y/n) exclaimed while I kept writing June's name.

" You two keep writing that name, I'll rebuild the gears! " (y/n) crawled upfront, and before I could even say anything or create another bendy straw she jumped out, I wanted to worry about her safety,

but I had to concentrate on writing June's name or the park wouldn't come back at all!

A Park full of Wonder { Peanut x Fem Reader }Where stories live. Discover now