Chapter 3- Broken- Yet saved

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" I told you to be there, you useless crap!!" The man hit Jeremy, and his nose began to bleed badly.
His father had wanted for Jeremy to meet him at the bar. Another one of his drunken text that Jeremy hadn't taken seriously.
He deeply regretted it now
The man kicked Jeremy hard, and he crumpled to the ground. The man continued, but now Jeremy had no defense. Jeremy curled into a ball, trying to have some sort of defense.... But it was useless. Jeremy began to sob. He was sure he was going to die. Blood spattered from an open wound on his head. Every bone in his body ached. His eye was swollen shut, from when his father had punched him in the face. At the moment, death seemed almost kind.
The drunken father finally stopped. He left Jeremy's apartment, most likely to go back to whatever bar hadn't banned him yet. Jeremy's body racked with sobs, though at this point that was the only thing he could do.
He had no strength left. Physically or mentally. He was just ...
Jeremy closed his eyes.
He only wished he could have seen mike one last time....
" Kid!" Jeremy froze. The voice...
It was Mike.

Abused- Jeremy FNAF- JeremikeWhere stories live. Discover now