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╰┈➤ motivation

everyone needs motivation every once in a while, so here's some quotes that inspire me, and hopefully you.


i was born to tell stories.

read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river. ❞     - Virginia woolf

❝❝write until you surprise yourself.

one bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over, turn the page.

i write because I don't know what I think, until I read what I say.

you've got something they don't.

everyone knew she would do big things, everyone except for her.

she is going to forever say 'I got this' even with tears in her eyes.

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╰┈➤how to get motivation to write a story, or continue your story:

• set a timer for when you want to begin, or how long you would like to write

for computers: a great app is called 'Be focused' which sets a timer for 25 minutes, and looks pretty as well.

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• set writing goals

your goals should be measurable, meaningful, and attainable

first, identify what category or type of goals you would like to set. make them realistic, not impossible.

second, choose them.

third, write or type them down.

fourth, schedule when you should do them & establish timing.

fifth, track your progress.

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write now, edit later.

take your time to write, don't do it all in one day, unless you're that motivated.

make sure you don't get worn out, that's why it's better to not do it all in one day, and in little periods of time.

create your story cover, write your description, make your introduction, and then write a chapter.

however, you should always edit them, before you publish your chapter, making sure there's no mistakes.

if you do make one or two, it's alright, people do know you're a human, and humans make mistakes.

if it's on every line, that's a bit much.

i know that whenever i read a story, if i see so much errors, it gets annoying, and I can't read it.

whenever there's lots of errors, you typically cannot feel connected to the story you're reading, because it feels like a child's paper they made in elementary school.

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finally, commit to a regular writing time.

personally, i don't do this, but I see how this can be helpful.

i write whenever I get the motivation, or whenever I have down time.

let's say you get home from school at four, then you eat a snack, and watch some TV, if there's nothing on, you could write.

you can always find writing time, like instead of going on social media, write!

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