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╰┈➤ how to figure out a plot, and what genre you would like to write

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what plot has always fascinated you and which one do you find yourself reading the most?


• enemies to lovers

- they find theirselves hating each other at the office, but soon become partners, having to work together.

- he was the popular mean guy, who always picked on her, secretly he did it because he thought she was pretty, but no one else knew that. one day, they got assigned as lab partners, being forced to talk to each other. they had to go to each other's houses for science projects, soon becoming very close, a little too close.

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ideas you need to include to write an enemies to lovers story:

give them similar traits, they don't have to be noticeable physically, but emotionally, they're more a like than they thought. it can be the tiniest things that make a big difference


•both their fathers passed away, leaving them grieving in different ways.

•both have the same music taste.

•both have the same love language. ex: words of affirmation

• both have family problems

•secretly have depression, and is struggling, even if it's not noticeable on the outside.

•both seductive

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get them alone.

they need to have those moments, where no one is watching, so they can be theirselves.

when you do that theirs endless things that can happen between them.

scene example:

"Louis you're partnered with Avery," Professor Plots said, making the two of them turn towards each other in shock.

"No- no i'm sorry but I can't work with him," Avery awkwardly laughs.

"Why not?"

"Yes she can," Louis says confidently.

"We'll make it work," Louis whispered into her ear, making her shiver.

Later that day, they went to Louis' home, to work on their science project.

"Which one's this?" His mother said smoking as they closed the door behind them, seeing a brunette girl in the doorway.

"Uhm i'm Avery, i'm only here to work on the science project we're forced to do."

His  mother scoffed, "That's what they all say."

She raised her eyebrows, a bit offended, and followed Louis to his room upstairs.

She looked around admiring it.

"You can sit on the bed," He laughed.

She laughed in response, "Ok."

She's never been to a boys house, making it a lot more awkward than it should be.

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you get the idea of it, they are forced to be alone, and it turns out not as bad as they thought it would be.

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• best friends to lovers

- the two of them have been best friends since they were born, their parents have been friends since high school, and got pregnant around the same time. they grew up together, and Liam always secret crush on Amelia. He acted as a big brother to Amelia, that's all Amelia thought of, but one day that all changed.

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•Hot babysitter who turned out be a killer

- not much to explain really, basically just like the movie 'The babysitter."

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• Next door neighbors

- April just found out she had new neighbors, and her mom wanted to greet them, making April go with her. They took the plate of cookies and greeted theirselves, seeing a kind woman, a little girl, and a boy about Aprils age. He was hot. They started to talk, but April soon had to go. She began to change, her curtains open, and looked outside seeing the boy waving at her. In shock, she closed to window.

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please keep in mind that they don't have to all be boy and girl!! it would also be a great idea to have them be gay, for example:

• the two girls have grown up together being best friends, people always thought they were gay for each other, the girl always had to deny it, deep down knowing, she was in love with her best friend.

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