chapter 3- Fired

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I had to do something. I booked an appointment for the next day to get my car wrapped. I couldn't risk getting caught.  Bernies birthday was coming up and I had the perfect present for him. I already had it wrapped in a nice red wrapping paper. Bernie kept trying to turn on the news, so I disconnected the internet connection. I had my car wrapped in a hot red paper with white rims. I helped Bernie look for jobs, not that he would be there for long. The next day when I was getting ready for work I noticed Bernie was trying to unlock the door to my basement. I quickly buttoned up my suit and rushed over.  "What are you doing?" I asked in a panicked tone. "Oh! I was just trying to get this door unlocked.  You never showed me what was in there." He said. "I'll show you for your birthday tomorrow. Your gift is down there." I told him. I walked out the door and got in my range rover. When I arrived at work my manager called me into his office. "Hello, Please sit down." I sat in the well cushioned chair and listened. "Someone applied for your job space. I interviewed them and I liked their hard- working spirit. I've noticed you haven't been as dedicated as usual,  so I'm going to have to ask you to resign. I'd like you to pack up your things and leave." I was stunned. I fumbled over my words, "I don't understand.. who got the job?"  What I heard next made me want to puke. "Bernie Lockhart. I think you may know him." I grabbed my bag and stormed out. I drove home with anger pulsing through my body.

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