Your honor..

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As I was arriving home, I tried to put on a fake smile but I couldn't. I had hate pulsating through my body. When I walked through the door, I glanced over at Bernie eating some cold leftover pizza. "When we're you gonna tell me that you got a job? And MY job at that!" I yelled, knocking the half eaten pizza slice out of his hand. "I was gonna tell you when you came home! You didn't get fired.. did you?" He asked. I had to calm down. I knew what to do. "It doesn't matter anymore.  I guess I can forgive you." I lied. "As a matter of fact, I'll give you your birthday gift early." I walked over to my room and picked up a large and heavy gift box. I sat it on the table for Bernie to open. "Wow! This is huge! I must be the best friend in the world!" He said. I stood behind Bernie and watched him with my hand in my pocket. I started to laugh. When Bernie opened the box, he could do nothing but scream in horror as the head of my wife rolled out and fell on the ground. I pulled out a knife from my left pocket. "Actually, your the worst friend ever." I said as I stabbed him repeatedly.  Seven times to be exact. I had done it. I had killed my best friend. I quickly cleaned up the blood and the bodies. I put my wife's head back in the basement and I put Bernie's body in my trunk. I got in the car and drove far. Then I arrived at a field and hauled Bernie out of my trunk. I dug a large hole, about 8 feet deep. I threw Bernie in the hole and covered him up. As I was doing so, it was just my luck that a cop was patrolling by and spotted me. "Well, you weren't supposed to see this." I chuckled. She cuffed my hands and  called for back up. I shed a single tear as I got into the cop car. When we arrived at the prison, I was already on the news. "The serial killer that America calls 'the masked man' has been caught and sentenced to life in prison. Police say they greive deeply for all the families affected."  Now, it's 20 years later and I'm still in the same filthy sell. I have a court date today. There's a chance that I'll be set free. When I got to the court room, I was surprised to see Judge Julie. I didn't have a lawyer for myself so I just sat down waiting.  I was in the same position as Bernie was 20 years ago. After a while, Judge Julie spoke. "This man was accused of the murder of 20 victims.  What do you have to say for yourself, sir?" I looked down at my feet, and then back up again. "Well your honor..." I said, not knowing what would come out of my mouth next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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