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I'm stood on the shoreline as the water pulls in and out from the source getting a little closer every time. The tide is rising as I stood looking out at the horizon where the sun meets the sea. Golden light shines on my skin creating a contrast from the cold water. I inch my way further  into the water, further and further, leaving my white dress to float behind me. The rippling water reflects the warm golden light as it splashes onto my skin. As the water gets to my waist I tremble at the cold touch. 

"Alda" I hear the voice of a boy calling me from behind me. 

I turn suddenly to look back at the shoreline where I once stood, my footprints washed away by the moving water, "What are you doing here," I respond back having to raise my voice over the moving water. 

"Come back to the shore," he shouts out over the white noise of the water. 

I stand studying the boy with my back facing the infinite stretch of dark water, waves gently splashing my back and swaying me back and forth. He has ashy brown hair that is illuminated by the setting sun, and dark eyes with a hint of light in them. His skin gleams warmth and he stands tall, taller than me. His eyes meet mine and compel me to move closer, and to stand on the warm sand with him. His voice still ringing in my ear, like a note on an instrument echoing in my mind. 

One step forward, another one another one, anoth-

The cold shock of water engulfing me and rushing over me as I am pulled down and out into the ocean, my lungs burn for another breath but I know I can't take one, not yet, I'll have to hope I reach air soon. The water has a hold on me, almost like hands. The water is all over me pulling me under and under and under until I take a breath. I couldn't hold on any longer, my lungs had to at least try to go through with the process they always do. I expected the burn of water entering my lungs, freezing me from the inside out. But no. It was an easy breath. The water around me stilled and calmed. I floated under the water looking up at the darkening sky way above me. It was barely visible from the depth the water left me. 

I started swimming upwards at a hastened pace. My vision started getting blurry, and my limbs started slowing but I kept trying to swim higher until my vision blacked out. My vision regained and sensations started pouring back in. I felt the cool surface of wet rocks under me, small pebbles gently poking into my exposed back and legs. I moved my head to see a small fire lighting up the dark space with a figure hunched over near it with their back towards me. I see my white dress hanging near it with water still dripping off it. I lay covered by a scratchy black cloth just long enough to cover my torso and part of my legs. I curl up  in cold and I look around for a moment taking in my surroundings. The darkness was a stone cave made of dark rock with an immense pool of black water around me. An opening at the top let in the leaving sun's blue light. It was the moment before it would be dark, the moment before the stars and moon take over and so does the darkness along with it. Looking back at the fire I notice the figure isn't there anymore as I sit up. I turn my head forward and there it is. Towering over me he stands. His eyes seem familiar but his pale hair tugs at memories from a dream I can't remember. I've seen him before. But where?

He crouches down over me, he studies my face as I study his. His shirt was soaked through, it was a white dress shirt paired with black slacks. It's not something you would wear for a swim. He must've been around my age from his looks, he must've helped me, but how did I get in the cave since the only opening is straight above me? A drop of water falls from his white hair and lands on my cheek like a kiss from the ocean. It rolls down my face and collects onto my lips. 

I open my mouth to speak and the drop lands in my mouth leaving a drop of salty taste, "what am I doing here," I say sitting up but grabbing the black cloth to keep my chest covered. 

As he is about to open his mouth to respond I hear a ringing, a buzzing. Light floods into my vision, the soft clack of blinds opening. My dream ends. 

My eyes open and I stare at the wooden ceiling above me. I regain myself from the strange dream I had again. I jolt up as I remember I'm leaving today, I'm going to see my father. 

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