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Dear Diary,

I know it's been a moment since I wrote in this, but things have happened yesterday and today. I've just come back to my chambers, and I am honestly so confused. I just need to write everything down right now to sort out my thoughts before I start going crazy.

Let me actually start with last night's events. There weren't many, but they are significant to everything that followed.

I was sitting in the empty potions classroom, reading a book while I waited for Severus, who, at the time, was looking through his ingredients stores to note down what was missing - either because we used it or because someone stole it. Yes, we still haven't figured out who is stealing ingredients, and in my opinion we are no closer to finding out yet. Severus, however, doesn't share this view.

Anyway, I was sitting there, reading, when Severus' voice came from the lab.


I got up from my chair and walked over to the open door, leaning against the door frame.

"Yes, Severus?"

His back was turned to me and his long fingers were counting phials on the shelves. (Yes, I was watching his fingers... I'm honestly obsessed with the way his hands move.) Once he had finished the row, he turned to face me. As he held up his other hand, I noticed him holding a packet of ingredients.

"Have you been using gillyweed recently?"

He handed me the container, and I noticed how light it was. Upon opening it, I saw that only a few sad-looking pieces of the plant were left.

"Nope, I have no use for it. I guess you haven't used it either?"

"No." He took the container back and placed it on a table. "Which means our thief is expanding their range beyond Polyjuice Potion. And I still find myself clueless as to who the person in question could be."

"Yeah, I also haven't the faintest of ideas. I'm sorry, Severus."

That was when I just went back to reading my book (which is boring, by the way. I'm still reading it, and I am not having a great time. But I'm determined to finish it... I paid good money for it, after all!!!)

This morning, I was woken up waaay too early for my liking, but I didn't have any choice. The second task in the Triwizard Tournament had been held today, and obviously everyone was expected to be there. So I put on some warm clothes, grabbed a to-go mug of steaming coffee and exited the castle. Severus and I met by the lake, a bit aside from the crowd that was forming on the platform.

I'm going to interrupt my storytelling here for a few lines. Who THE FUCK thought it would be a great idea to send students into the lake (which is a stupid idea in the first place) for an hour (who even needs air?) DURING FUCKING WINTER?! And without preparation no less?! It's like everyone WANTS these kids to die!!! Merlin, I could keep ranting about this for hours. Like, I was wearing winter clothes, my body was outside the water the whole time and I still felt like my limbs were going to freeze off! Why couldn't something like this have been put as the last task when it's warmer? Not to mention how boring this task is for everyone watching... But I'm straying from the topic.

So we were standing a bit aside from everyone else, watching how the platforms slowly filled with students of all ages. The surrounding noise got progressively louder, not at all what I want to hear early in the morning. Some fog was still floating over the lake, and unfortunately the sun didn't want to grace us with her presence. I'm looking out the window right now, and it's still grim and grey out there. But at least it's warm inside the castle.

Once the silhouettes of the four champions became visible against the hills, people started whistling and yelling. Severus seemed just as unenthusiastic as I was feeling, but at least he wasn't freezing. Somehow, this man has the ability to stay warm even in the shittiest of weather conditions. How he manages to always have warm hands is one of my biggest personal mysteries.

Dumbledore had then held one of his famous speeches, during which the champions started preparing for the task ahead. They took off their robes, the only remaining clothes at this point being their swimsuits. I probably missed half of the speech because I was busy trying not to spill my coffee down my jacket. Finally, Dumbledore gave the sign for the champions to make their final preparations. Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour used a bubble-head charm to provide air for the next hour, Viktor Krum partially transfigured himself into a shark, including gills. Full transfigurations are already weird to watch, but a partial one is just creepy if I'm honest.

The most surprising method to keep oneself from drowning came from Harry Potter, though. Not because his method was particularly spectacular, but because he used just the one herb that Severus and I had found missing last night - Gillyweed. Severus had seen it too, and I am not sure if I have ever seen him as furious as he had been at that moment. Without a word he had left, and obviously I had followed him, jogging to keep up with him.

We ended up in his office, where he slammed the door shut behind us. What followed was exactly what was to be expected. Severus angrily throwing accusations around, me trying to come up with logical explanations for the situation, Severus directing his anger towards me because I'm not agreeing with him, me telling him that he should calm down for a moment, him leaving the room with a huff, and finally me returning to my chambers because I don't want to chase after a stubborn man. I will give it a few hours of distance before I go looking for him, hopefully a bit calmer then.

But I understand Severus' anger and his suspicions. I agree, it's currently not looking good for Harry Potter's innocence. But something deep inside me tells me, that there is more to the story of the missing ingredients than we are able to see right now. Something doesn't make sense, but until I can figure out what's going on, there is no use in trying to talk to Severus about this.

Sometimes I kinda wish he wasn't quite as stubborn, but then again, I like him for who he is. With all his quirks and issues.

I think that's all there is to this. I'll probably write him a little note, just as we always did when we started working together. Then he can decide if he wants to talk to me or not. And in the next few days I will try to find out what is happening in this school. Because something is certainly going on, and I have bad feelings about it.

Yep, I'm not dead. What a surprise. Just depressed as fuck xD But it's getting better, so here is the chapter I have been working on for the past 3? 4? months... Maybe you will hear (more like read) more from me again in the next time. No promises tho. Except for the promise that I will not completely abandon this fanfic... I don't think that will ever happen. You just have to be patient with me sometimes <3

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