chaptor 7- Promotion

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It felt like moons talking and meeting all of the pups, I felt cornered and confused with the pups circling my paws and brushing their dirty pelts into my fur.

But thankfully, their reactions to meeting sang out their kind and energetic personality.

"Hello, pleased to meet you. I'm Malice" the wrongfully named male hyena I had pounced upon before chirped, his pelt was littered by old cuts and scratches.

I wonder were he got those from?

"A tiger?....well you sure do look like a lion" Buzz, a stocky female hyena who looked strong and mighty but alas, had a crooked back foot that sealed her fate as a poor hunter.

I smiled and nodded in response.

Fierce, the largest pup called all to a huge cliff-like rock or what they called
"Telling stone"

The hyena pups stopped their chatter and stood before the dusty stone with their ears pinned up, their body began to tremble with anticipation.

"As you all know, there is a prophecy that states a lion will either save the clan and lead it or destroy
the clan itself " Fierce barked boldly sitting at the top of the slope.
I stood beside her nervously, Sarar is probably worried sick I thought randomly.

"If you think I'm going to listen to a lion then your a fool" Shred sneered, menacingly dipped her head

"Don't defy what is right. What are the chances a lion would save us. Let alone speak sand-tongues" Bare challenged back.

"Sounds like a curse to me, I mean....crocodiles.
Those are enemies to all except themselves." Strand added siting close to his sister Gleam who seemed to not care by watching termites scurry around the ground.

The air was thick with tension, the hyenas had began to separate themselves into groups silently.
They look like they have completely forgotten about the deaths of their comrades.

I will discuss this with Fierce later, but first I will get these matters straightened.

"Who said I would lead you!" I called out making all lower their dark tails.
"Because you saved us......" Cracked-tooth barked meekly pinning his ears to his broad head.

I snarled my frustration and faced Fierce who had stayed silent the entire time
"You say a lion was would save you.
Well I'm no lion, I'm a Tiger" I retorted.

Shred smiled and sauntered toward the Telling stone and faced her clanmates
"See! an impostor to the great prophecy. Well I'm sorry to waste your time...Tiger, but...."

Fierce gave a sharp bark to silence her
"Prophecys aren't all clear Shred, she was seen as a lion, and the circumstances lead me to believe that this Tiger is prophesied to lead the clan and bring bring back the clans glory"
I noticed her stare at Shred was filled with defiance.

Shred bared her teeth stepped forward with a few hyenas behind her,
"Now who made you leader little Burnpup. Last that I checked Torn was beta, and who was her
daughter again?" Shred scowled lifting her head proudly.

Fierce too had her head raised and looked down to Shred and narrowed her eyes yet did not bare her teeth
"And who was kin to your Slaughter, her son may be dead but his blood still runs deep in my vains.

You must be the fool if you think I will let you lead this clan"
I tried to bring my own voice into view but the pups seemed to be arguing about their own issues.

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