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Artist credit goes to..Pxzaism from Instagram for the art shown above ^^


This is platonic or romantic, take it how you protray it >~>


"I don't know what you mean by that, or what you were gonna do to my friend, but I want you to Stay Back."


You were at the arena at night, most of your friends were sleeping but you were awake as the moonlight shines on you, you only had one goal in mind.

You wanted to confront your stalker. ever since you had that feeling of being watched, you desperately tried to ignore it as it'll go away, but it didn't. You were tired of pretending to not have anxiety and you wanted to do something about this, you had your pistol and ammo ready as you wanted to end this sick game.

You held your pistol ready, Your fear raising as the footsteps got closer behind you. you immediately spin around before your stalker roughly grabbed your gun and you tried to held onto it but he was more stronger than yourself, he threw it away behind him as your anger cannot be contained any longer.


You shouted as your hands were pinned on the wall, your stalker having a heavy breathing which he felt intoxicated by your presence.. it made you sick

"Finally, I found you.. ever since I've layed my eyes on you, we're meant to be together right? there isn't a need to be scared right I lov-"

Suddenly some red blur appeared infront of you and used his bat and swing at him to warn him as he stood infront of you, pushing that creep realized who it was but kept your mouth shut

"I don't know what you mean by that, or what you were gonna do to my friend, but I want you to Stay Back."

It was Delinquent.

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