Holiday's Havoc

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Hiya! This headcanon is a Christmas themed one..starting The Boi! hope you enjoy. ^^


* So I'd imagine The Boi being usually hyper but on christmas..OOOOO boi. he's very hyper.

* Like imagine him getting up from his bed immediately and going downstairs with the gang, only to fall down and get himself hurt :,]

- "Ayo, Santa's her-"


"Owie, my blocks hurt :,("

* He'd go outside to throw snowballs at others

- He angered GOC Past when she was building a snowman one time, guess what happened. >->

* Once he's tired or the night strikes, he'd go inside with the gang to relax and chill with hot chocolate.

- He likes chocolate alittle too much

* Once Christmas is over, he'll feel alittle sad but knows that Christmas will come again : D

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