You Have Your Father's Eyes

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A\N @Abigailcrysteffor you asked for Henry and Martha being sweet together, and you get Henry, Martha and baby Mèlanie fluff. Kinda. Honestly it's hard to write them as sweet, so this is the closest I can get but I'm gonna try! Hope you like it.

Characterization based off of Malsmanor

Henry and Martha Ravenswood never wanted to be parents. They had always been careful to ensure they never became parents, they'd seen how babies and children were, how they interrupted and ruined people's lives and practically drained the life out of them. The couple rarely agreed, but when it came to children, they definitely saw eye to eye.

But fate had other ideas, and it seemed regardless of their wants, they would be parents, which was evident when Martha revealed her pregnancy almost six months ago.

Neither was happy, in fact this sparked quite the spat that was pretty much heard throughout all of Thunder Mesa. They blamed each other, but after days of arguing, they finally came to terms with this, those terms being that they just wouldn't talk about it.

Martha was actually rather worried for herself and this child. As much as she didn't want to be a mother, now that she was going to be one, she did truly want to protect their child. The main problem was that she wasn't exactly in her prime anymore, and even though there were plenty of mothers who had children at her age, they were usually already mothers with several older children. Throughout the pregnancy though, there didn't seem to be any complications, and hopefully when their child was born, both mother and baby would be safe.

On the other hand, Henry never warmed up to the idea of being a father. He didn't want a baby, and that never changed. But there was something that he could deal with, a son. With a son, he could raise him to be a copy of himself, then one day, he could carry on the business and the Ravenswood legacy would continue. A son was acceptable, and maybe, just maybe, he would care for him.

Well, at least Martha got what she wanted.


Melanie Christine Ravenswood was born at around noon on October 11th, 1842. She was rather small, almost too small, having been born three weeks early, but she was also strong. It had been a constant concern that Mélanie wouldn't survive, but the newborn persisted.

Now, little Mèlanie was nestled in her mother's arms, her lips making a small 'O' as she slept. Martha still wasn't sure what she felt, she knew she was supposed to feel love and adoration, like all the other mothers said they felt holding their newborns, but she simply felt confused. She loved Mèlanie, sure, but something still felt off, and Martha was too tired to completely contemplate her thoughts.

Henry had been supervising work in the mines the day before when Jasper went to find him, revealing that Martha had gone into labor. In that moment, he wasn't sure what to do. Was he supposed to continue working as if this life changing event wasn't happening? Would he rush back home, and although he wouldn't be allowed in the room, wait outside until hopefully it was announced his son was born?

At first, he opted for the former, sending Jasper back before staying in the mines for a few more hours. Work was an easy distraction, but eventually Henry came to his senses, and went back home. Despite acting like this meant nothing to him, he was actually quite uneasy. No matter what his feelings, coming home and standing outside his bedroom, hearing his wife's cries and screams every so often sent him into a slight panic. The man paced back and forth until finally, a different cry pierced the air.

Even after the baby was born, he still wasn't allowed to go in, and no one told him the gender of the baby or if Martha was alright. Henry waited for a little while longer before the doors were opened, the midwife greeting him and telling him both mother and daughter were healthy.

A daughter, Henry Ravenswood had a daughter. He didn't want a child at all in the first place, but over the past few months he somewhat adjusted to having a son, now he had to adjust to having a daughter?

Despite his new frustration, Henry entered the room, looking at his wife and newborn, both looking rather serene. The sunlight was streaming in through the tall windows, giving the two of them an ethereal glow as if this was some God given gift. It felt like anything but that though.

As he neared the bed, Martha still hadn't acknowledged his presence and kept her focus on the little one in her arms. From what Henry could see, the baby had tufts of auburn hair, similar to her mother's, but a few shades darker, and skin just as pale as her parent's was.

Once he sat down, Martha noticed him and glanced up, looking to her husband with a tired, almost emotionless expression. She looked absolutely exhausted, and of course she was, who wouldn't be after the birth of her first - and hopefully only - child?

Neither really knew what to do or say, their lives had changed infinitely in under a day, but the real question was if it was for better or for worse? They both really hoped it was for the better. This baby really had no idea the impact she had on her parents.

"Do you want to hold her?" Was the first words muttered out of Martha's mouth after an uncomfortable silence had settled over them.

Henry contemplated the idea, staring at the newborn. Now that he was closer, the new father saw that Mèlanie had a rosy, cherubic face. She had on a tiny white nightgown, something he was sure was given to them as one of the many gifts they'd received over the past few months.

He stared at her for much longer than he should've before reaching out, not saying anything but instead indicating that he would hold her.

Mèlanie was carefully transferred from her mother's arms to her father's, the baby whimpering at being separated from Martha. Clearly, she didn't like him and probably never would, which Henry understood.  It wasn't like he'd tend to her often, so it didn't matter.

"So what's her name?" Henry asked, watching as she balled her little fists and kicked her tiny legs weakly, honestly, he had to admit his daughter was rather adorable. Well, he would think it, not admit it.

"Mèlanie Christine, I'd read it in a book somewhere." They didn't really think or talk about names before, Martha had a few ideas but never mentioned them. Henry didn't, but if he did, they would've all been suggestions for a boy. Martha wouldn't have put it above him to name the baby 'Henry the second' if it had been a boy.

After that, they didn't say much else, but Henry continued to hold his daughter. Examining her features and how she moved in her sleep. As much as he wanted to deny how much he secretly cared for Mèlanie, he suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to protect her, to make sure she knew she was worth ten times her weight in gold and silver.

Martha didn't miss how he watched their daughter, although there was no words, she could tell he felt something that resembled love for Mèlanie, or at least felt whatever he defined as love, which was definitely a different definition than what others had.

Before giving the newborn back to her mother, Melanie's eyes fluttered open, her eyes being one of the few features that resembled Henry's and not Martha's. Melanie looked up at him with some confusion, but it seemed she was much calmer and didn't mind being in Henry's arms anymore.

Mèlanie would surely be the best of her parents, she would also definitely be spoiled rotten every day of her life. She would be Henry and Martha's pride and joy, and no one would ever forget it.

Their family was strange, and outsiders typically saw their relationship as toxic or unloving, but it was what worked for them. Despite both being insanely stubborn and greedy, they worked for each other, and they would work for their daughter as well.

A/N so this is like. Not at all what you asked for, and I apologize, but this was the only thing I could think of. Now I do have another idea that might be a little more Martha/Henry centric though, so once I get another rare burst of inspiration to write, I'll get on that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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