Live Show

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Phil was doing his usual live show when Dan walked in. "Hey baby." Phil's heart was racing . "H-hey Dan" he stuttered. "Oh so you're filming a video you can just edit that out later."

He doesn't know this is live
Phil thought

"Danny I should probably tell you something" he smiled after saying these words

"Shuuu no no Philip don't speak" he said while placing his finger on Phil's mouth. Dan then replaced his finger with his lips.

After the kiss Dan whispered in Phil's ear loud enough for the camera to hear. "Edit that out" Phil whisperd back just like Dan.

"This is a live show"

Dan's eyes widened


Phil flinched

"S-sorry Phil" he said running a hand through his hair. He looked at the camera then at Phil then at the messages. Most were like "PHAN"
Others were mad at Dan for hurting Phil.

Overall the fans were happy.

"I guess we are gonna have to make a proper coming out video" Phil said while laughing. They kissed once more. Phil ended the show as Dan left the room.

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