Hey guys...

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Dan's pov

"Hey guys so I have bad news... Recently Phil has been acting sick like really sick... We tried doctors hospitals Google ANYTHING but we couldn't find anything wrong with him... So eventually he got sicker and sicker and sicker til a few nights ago...he passed out in the middle of recording a video..." I stopped talking for a minute I couldn't keep it in. I cried really hard while filming. (I cried while typing as well - Tyler) "H-he w-we took him to a hospital... And...he-..." I just couldn't keep in the tears. I cried like a little baby. "H- h-e he died... and still no one knows from what" I couldn't keep recording I had to take a break. I walked out of my room grabbed some water. Blew my nose. Took a breath outside. And went back to my room. "So I just thought I'd answer one question you all have asked since the day met... "Is phan real?" Yes phan was very real and just... Bye guys here are some clips if I don't post for a while it is because of my boyfriends death"

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