Can We Keep Him?

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Hehe hey so I have this highschool AU that hasn't been worked on since November 2015 and only around 400 words so Uh LET'S WRITE A ONE SHOT TO FILL THE HOLE OF UPDATES ps it's also midnight and I'm not deleting all weird things

Dan and Phil were inside one was watching anime and the other editing a video. Someone knocked on their door which was unusual for them because they're full time Internet hobo homos and aren't very social with humans. It was Dan's turn to answer the door and when he did he found a surprise.

"Uh....Phil did you order a baby?"

"Dan what are you talking about?"

The tall angel bean got out of his spot on the couch and saw the smol child laying on his doorstep in a car seat.

"What the hell"

"Shuu dan there's a literal baby who can hear you"

"Jesus fucking Christ who cares if she can hear you we should look for her parents"

"Dan how do you it's a girl baby it could be a boy or both or neither you don't know"

"......Phil I can't even ugh just go look around outside I'll try"

"Okay don't kill them"

Phil picked up the smol smol baby and handed them to tra-i mean Dan and ran outside. Dan rocked the child until it started crying loud as hell.

A few minutes later Phil came back in.

"I didn't see them....Dan is it crying"

"Yes it is it has been for bloody hours please tell me you have baby experience"

"I do and based on the smell I think it needs a diaper change"

"Oh....oh god take them"

Dan held the baby out to Phil.

"Dan i do need some supplies check the car seat"

After a few minutes of crying and frustration dan went to the store to buy diapers.

When dan got back Phil began the procedure.

"Well now we'll see what gender you are...well physically"

Dan got closer to Phil as he undid the diaper.

"ITS A BOY!!!"

"Aw Phil look at his little willy"

"Don't make fun of his willy dan!"

"Fine while you do that I'll go file a report for a missing child"

"But dan can't we keep him I mean come on his parents didn't seem to want him"

"...I guess but if no one claims him we... I guess we can adopt him"


"We should come up with a name for now"


"Haha no too obvious"

"Hmmm how about Dil"

"Like dan and phil....sure why not"

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