New House New Life

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Chapter 1 New House, New Life

13 year old Midnight watched the green blur of trees rush past her window. She was thinking about her mom who had died not to long ago of cancer. Later on her dad decided that they should move back to Mississippi to his hometown and live in their vacation house and sell their old house. Now Midnight was not happy about it because she had all the friends she could need and she was doing well in school. Her 10 year old sister, Starlet, on the other hand didn't mind the move because she didn't have any friends and was very lonely in Alabama. Midnight and Starlet had a little baby brother named Nova who was just beginning to walk.

"How much longer?" Asked Midnight she was getting impatient.
"Oh about 20 more minutes." her dad answered
"You said that 20 minutes ago." Midnight said rudely she knew she shouldn't be rude but she didn't like being cooped up in a car.
"Yeah well I guess I did. Then about 3 to 4 minutes yet."
"Cool." Starlet said wanting to be apart of a conversation
"Well," her dad said "How do you two like Mississippi so far?"
"It's nice." said Starlet
"I like all the forests and all the wildlife," Midnight said looking outside "and all the foxes."
"I knew you would bring that up. I saw you watching them out in the trees." Starlet said
Midnight smiled. Her sister knew that she adored foxes. Back at their old house Midnight and Starlet shared a room and Midnight's half was always decorated with her paintings and pictures of foxes. She just loved their slyness and the color.

"We're here!" Dad said
"Yay!" Midnight and Starlet said together
"Well you two haven't even seen the house since maybe two years ago," their dad said "and I've got a surprise for you three."
"Really? All of us?" said Starlet
"Yes all of you." her dad said smiling
Midnight was curious but she didn't want to ask to many questions because she knew that she would find out soon.
"Now girls I want to tell you something," Dad said
"Ok what is it?" Starlet said
"Well this is not our normal vacation house."
"What! Then what is it?" Midnight said
"Well before your mother found out she had cancer we talked a little about moving," Dad said "We wanted to move but we didn't know where to move so your mom had the fantastic idea of either moving into the vacation house or selling the house and moving into a bigger house.
"So you chose the bigger house didn't you?" asked Midnight
"Yes I did and all of our furniture and stuff is there," Dad said sighing and looking at his teenager girl in the passenger seat next to him "I hope you girls understand."
"Yup and Dad you're almost out of gas." Starlet said
"Ok I'll fill up before we get there."

"Ahh finally we're here." said Midnight stepping out of the car and stretching her legs she felt as though she had been freed from a cage. "Ok, I need help finding my room."

"It's through the front door, find the staircase and it's the last door in the hallway." her dad said smiling then he added "Hope you don't get lost."

With a giggle Midnight walked into the house. Her dad might just be right she might get lost but eventually she found the staircase and her room and her stuff was strewn all over the room. So she started organizing the stuff on her bed. Apparently the movers didn't care where anything was placed. Starlet walked in on her organizing her stuff and asked "Can you help me find my room?"
"Can't Dad help you?"
"He's with Nova."
"Ok I'll help."
The two girls walked out of the room and looked in every room to see where Starlet's room was. They finally found a room next to Andrew's room that held all of Starlet's stuff.
"Here is your room now leave me alone. Ok?" Midnight said as she walked down the hall to her room.
"Fine!" Starlet said and turned on her heel and walked into her own room.
Midnight sat down on her bed and gazed out the window that led to their backyard. Since her family lived almost out of town they had a portion of a forest that extended into their backyard. Then Midnight saw some eyes staring at her from a bush. She jumped up and walked to the window but the eyes were gone in a flash.

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