The Mystery Eyes

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Midnight didn't know what to do other than go outside to see who or what was looking at her. She started walking out of her room when her Dad yelled up the stairs
"Girls come down here!"
"Ok Dad!" Midnight said and ran downstairs
At the bottom of the stairs Midnight found her dad holding Andrew
"Well Midnight, since the movers did not care where they put the kitchen stuff I can't find anything to fix something to eat. So I guess we have to eat out for lunch."
"Wait. Really?" Starlet said walking down the stairs
"Yes really. let's go"
The family headed out the door and into the car once again.

The entire time Midnight was eating she couldn't stop thinking about the eyes that were watching her. She had so many questions: What was it? Why was it watching her? And was it good or bad. But she eventually finished her food.

When the family got home it was about 1:30 in the afternoon and Midnight went back up to her room. When she walked in she saw something in their backyard. Midnight didn't want to startled it this time so she walked slowly toward the window. When she was close enough she saw what it was a fox like the ones that she saw on the trip here, but this one was different somehow it looked like a dog waiting for it's owner...just sitting there. Then it saw her and stood and strode into the forest.
Midnight quickly ran downstairs and outside. She was determined not to lose it again.

When she made it outside she saw where it went into the forest and tiptoed across the lawn. She saw the prints: fox. Midnight looked into the forest and gasped. Sitting there looking at her was a fox. She froze in place. The fox tilted its head and turned and walked further into the woods looking behind at her as if it wanted her to follow. She hesitated but followed further in the woods.

Midnight followed the fox for a while. But then she lost it. She tried not to panic but it was hard to do when your alone in a forest. Then she saw the fox again but this time it was alone side a woman.
"Hello, young lady." the woman said
"Hi." Midnight croaked. She was surprised to see another person out here. Then she noticed the fox was holding something in its mouth.
"Well it's nice to see that Crimson here found a friend." The lady said motioning towards the fox.
"What are you doing out here?" Midnight asked the woman
"Oh I'm just taking a walk. I used to live in that house you moved into. But now I live in a nursing home."
"Oh was Crimson your friend then?" Midnight asked petting the fox.
"Yes he is he gave me this necklace of mine." Midnight noticed the woman took the necklace from the fox and held it out to her.
Midnight took it and held it in her hands. "Wow it's pretty." The necklace was a fox sleeping while using its tail as a pillow.
"Yes it is and now it's yours." The woman said smiling.
"What? But it's your necklace! I can't take it."
"Your not taking it I'm giving it to you. Besides Crimson chose you."
"What do you mean chose me?"
"Just remember trust Crimson he know a lot." and with that the woman walked away further into the woods but Crimson didn't follow her this time. He stayed with her, sitting at her side.
Midnight was going to ask more questions but the woman was gone before she knew it. Suddenly Midnight heard her dad calling her name.
"Coming!!!" she yelled then she looked at Crimson. "Stay here or something if I bring you with me Dad will question it and I don't think I want to explain what just happened to him."
Midnight started trying to put her necklace on and running back the way she came. She had this feeling in the pit of her stomach that she should keep this a secret.

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