Chapter 10. P2 Private Matters.

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I apologise greatly for the delay of this chapter. I have been working in the dark with some other planned books specifiaclly putting together the OC's and waiting for my friend to find what he needs since the internet has much but requires too specific data. Other then that I did not have the time to work much on this book but like many say, I the writer will tell you if it's done. Unless I am in a coma because I drank and drove. Uhhh ignore that part.
Anyways here you go...

3rd POV.

Redacted sat with the two Prisoners who started to introduce themselves.

Prisoner 1: My name is Karl.

Prisoner 2: I am Geng.

Redacted: Geng?

Geng: Yeah more weird than logic behind the name. I don't know why my parents gave me the name but meh whatever.

Karl: Well it ain't shit since I heard worse names.

Redacted: No worries on that.

Redacted puffed from another inhale of his cigarette while looking at the two.

Redacted: So what's your story?

Karl: Nothing much just a farmer turned lung trooper.

Geng: Same, except the farming part since I used to be a delivery boy.

Redacted: Post Office?

Geng: Yep.

Redacted: Seems we all have a similar thing in common; We used to have a different place before becoming Soldiers.

Karl: Agreed.

Just as the troops were talking the Hunters arrived.

Redacted: You received the encrypted message?

The Leader nodded.

Redacted: Alright I'll leave you to it comrade.

Major Ivan walked towards the group and took a seat next to them.

Major Ivan: Comrade all the Civilians are safe.

Redacted: Good.

Chen: You keep your words huh.

Redacted looked at Chen who stared at him with a mix of Trust, Fear yet Questioning.

Redacted: Your not sure whether to Fear or Trust me? Then I suppose our treatment towards you was not enough proof?

Chen: I just am having a difficult time trying to process all of this.

Karl: We all are but I honestly am glad to be on this side of the Warzone.

Redacted: Reunion would've slaughtered you where you sat. We are not barbarians with no brain and only the bloodlust to kill. We are organized and focused.

Chen: I can see that from so far. But what's your relationship with Lappland?

Redacted: Adopted Sisters you can say. Also inculding the fact that she works differently. When I say apologies to them in her mind she is being punished more than normally sent to. Due to her mental state punishment works differently for her. Atta king and torturing her won't work. Showing dominance and control can and forcing her to apologies which is basically for her the wrost punishment is how you do it.

Chen: But that's like a completely wrong set up mindset.

Redacted: Who said she had a normal one to begin with? Let me be clear Chen, some people will not or simply don't think or function like others. You cannot force it upon them. It is the same as forcing you to do things against your will is it not?

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