Ch.15 Revealed

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Tommy:What would you do if I didn't do it
Sapnap:I would have to kill all of them
Tommy:Got it geez
Sapnap:Talk to you later

With ??? And BBH
???:So you say there are some powerful people
BBH:Yes they have god like powers
???:Are you sure they are not gods
BBH:They could be I don't yet
???:What should we do then
BBH:We should tell others they should be able to do another memory wipe
???:Then get on it
(After BBH tells everyone again about the gods)
Dream:They are going to kill all of us
Tubbo:We have to stop them
George:But how they are gods
BBH:I have a plan
Punz:And what is it
BBH:Something named The EGG
Skeppy:Ok lets get started
Niki:Where is this place
BBH:Just follow me

With The Gods
Deo:You know the traitor BBH
Tommy:Yea why
Deo:He's revealed our secret
Purpled:Just us or what
Deo:Us and Ranboo
Tommy:We can't do another memory wipe
Deo:And they are protected by this EGG
Purpled:I think we do what Sapnap was going to do
Tommy:Kill all of them
Ranboo:Oh hey guys
Purpled:Ranboo next lesson we are going up
Ranboo:What do you mean
Tommy:Just think about flying
Ranboo:Got it
(They all start go up to the skies)
Deo:We are going to stay up here for a while
Tommy:Our secret is out
Ranboo:Oh ok
Purpled:Tommy tell the other gods
Tommy:Got it one sec

Tommy(Mind):The secret has been revealed
The gods(Mind):How the hell did this happen
Tommy(Mind):The traitor BBH
The gods(Mind):Can't you do memory wipe
Tommy(Mind):They are protected by this EGG
The gods(Mind):Got it
Tommy(Mind):Bye guys

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