Ch.16 Preparing for War

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Antfrost:How are we suppose to fight gods?
BBH:The EGG can give people powers even stronger then of a god
Tubbo:Do we kill the gods
BBH:We have to
Dream:They are going to ruin he SMP
Tubbo:They haven't did any thing to us
Ghostbur:Yea they are friends
Sam:But they could attack us
BBH:I heard them talking about attack  us
Quackity:How can we trust you
Fundy:You have no proof
Tubbo:I think I saw them teaching someone how to use their power
BBH:Everyone come towards the EGG
BBH:To gain back your memorys
Tubbo:What do you mean
BBH:You also gained back some memorys too Tubbo
Tubbo:Like what
BBH:You remember when you saw the gods teaching someone
Tubbo:Ok I got it

With the gods
Tommy:You guys know about EGG
Deo:Isn't powerful
Purpled:The EGG killed many gods
Tommy:Like what gods
Deo:If I remember the Empires gods(Empire SMP)
Purpled:I think they are long gone too
Tommy:But the EGG is give powerful powers the the smp
Ranboo:Do you think the Empires gods can help
Tommy:Me and business bay can try to call them
Karl:What do you that you can call them
Purpled:They are long gone
Deo:Remember my father is Herobrine
Karl:Ok then try to call them
Tommy(Mind):Hey Lizzie can you bring the gods
Tommy(Mind):We are going to destroy the EGG and BBH
Lizzie(Mind):The EGG even we couldn't beat it
Tommy(Mind):We have all the gods with us
Lizzie(Mind(:But you know we are suppose to be dead
Tommy(Mind):We have Herobrine,and he is going to bring you guys back
Lizzie(Mind):Do it quick then
Tommy(Mind):Got it
Deo:Tommy you done
Ranboo:What do you mean
Karl:Don't you need business bay
Deo:About that
Purpled:You don't know business bay right
Deo:No,Tommy already know one of them
Tommy:Friend of Sally's
Deo:You done
Tommy:We just need your father
Deo:Got it
Purpled:But they are dead
Tommy:I know
Deo:That's why we need my dad

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