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Rule one:
Always have fun

Rule two:
Do not try to god play my characters, this will earn you a automatic block

Rule three:
No child killing, cheating, physical abuse, mention of suicide. All will earn you a automatic block

Rule four:
My characters are the way they are for a reason. Do not try to change them

Rule five:
Every characters triggers will be posted in the bio chapter. If you purposely try to trigger my characters you will be blocked

Rule six:
Please note I do have a life outside of Wattpad, I do not appreciate spamming

Rule seven:
If you have a problem with me then block me. I'm not going to deal with it

Rule eight:
If you are a minor do not even try to roleplay with me

Rule nine:
Characters relationship status are constantly being updated so not try to flirt with someone who's taken or reserved

Rule ten:
Always remember to have fun

*Side note*
I will roleplay with a character even though there bio may not be up and I will have more then one roleplay with an account all you have to do is ask

Please comment below your favorite Greek goddess that way I know you have read and agree to all the rules

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