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"WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!" He yelled. The dark lord threw her to the ground. "ILL NEVER TELL YOU!" She screamed. "Mum...." I whispered. "Shhh. If he sees you he'll kill us all," My father held me back, "CRUCIO!" He shouted. "NARCISSA!" He cried. "CISSA!" Lucius ran in to aid his wife. "M-my lord what are you doing?!" Lucius looked up at him. "She has a daughter who is not yours. I have reason to believe it is Snape's. Therefor I might kill her if you let me," Voldemort turned to Lucius. Lucius stared at Mom is disbelief. "Gladly," Lucius stepped away. "If you bring her to me I won't kill you," he said looking down at her. She didn't say a word. "Alright-" "NO! TAKE ME IM HER DAUGHTER!" I screamed and broke free from my fathers grasp. "AVADA KADAVRA!" He shouted. "FINITE! EXPELLIARMUS!" Voldemort's wand flew out of his hands. "YOU WILL NEVER HARM MY SISTER! FULL OR HALF!" Draco Malfoy stood hovering over the dark lord. "DRACO LOOK OUT!" Narcissa screamed. The blade was seen through his back. Draco collapsed to the floor staring at me and my mother. "D-Draco...." I whispered. "You can do it little one," he smiled, before closing his eyes and taking his last breath. "DRACO!" Narcissa screamed. She stood up slowly. My father fell to the floor in pain. "D-Dad?!" I said running to aid him. "NO.... He broke the promise. He didn't protect Draco," my mother rushed to him. "I'm sorry Severus. But there's nothing I can do," she whispered kissing him softly on the forehead. The pain consumed him. He lay on the floor and stopped moving. "Dad?" I looked towards her. "I didn't think he would break it," she said. "What do you mean?!" I turned towards my mother quickly. "He made the unbreakable vow to not let Draco be harmed if he could stop it," she said turning to Draco. "If you break it..." she trailed off. "You die..." I finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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