Meeting A Friend

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Aaron POV:
I was sitting at the waiting seats at the police station and finally, an officer decided to sit at the reception. "Hello offica. So, how's your day been?" I asked. "Sit back down." She said sternly. "Alright, alright." I said raising my hands. "Just, let me know. When can I go?" I asked. "As soon as your social worker comes to collect you." She answered. "Now sit back down." She continued. "Sorry but I don't really feel like sitting down, I still have a lot of energy. Feel like I'm gonna burst." I said to the officer. She paid no attention to me and I heard the door of the police station open. I looked behind me and saw Liam. "Liam! How are you?!" I said walking over to him. He looked up to see me. "What?! Is that really Aaron Bianco, former child of the Dumping Ground? I'm good. So how was your time as a foster child?" He asked me. "It was fun until it lasted, I guess they were getting tired of all the experiments and pranks we did in their house. Well, it will be fun to annoy Mike and Gina I guess." I said and he agreed. "Oh, remember the soda experiment you did in my foster parent's bedroom!? That was nuts!" Liam said while laughing. "Yeah..I was gonna do it when I get back to the dumping ground, but I guess John is thwarting those plans by being late. As I said that I saw a girl being brought out of the prison cells. She walked to the chairs and sat next to me. "Dull day isn't it." I said leaning next to her to make sure that she knew I was talking to her. She nodded and I saw Mike arrived. "Aaron! Again!" He said as he saw me. I stood up and walked up to him. "Yeah Mike, I'm coming back to the Dumping Ground. You glad?!" I said. "What did you do now." He said ready to hear what I did. "Why do you already assume I did something Mike?" I asked, trying to mess with him. "Because you're in the police station, obviously something happened." He said angrily. "Oh yeah, guess I forgot about that. Well if you must know, I was trying to do my infamous Ressurection Experiment. I killed their goldfish and then I blew it up by accident. But when it blew up, most of the house blew up with it. Since me and Liam did the Soda experiment a lot, they had enough and decided to send me back." I explained to him. "How many times is it now?" He asked me. "How many times is what?" I asked. "How many times have you been sent back?!" He asked raising his voice. "14 times now." I said. "What about you Liam?" He asked while rubbing his temples. "7 now Mike." He said. He sighed and went to the receptionist to apologise and took Liam home. "See ya later Aaron." I waved saying, "See ya Liam. I'll meet you back at home. Bye Tracy." I said to the woman who Mike was taking home." I sat back down at the waiting area and a few minutes passed until John came to pick me up. I got into his car and arrived at my foster parent's house to collect my stuff, well everything that survived the blast. When we collected everything, which was surprisingly a lot. We were on our way back to the dumping ground.

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