Chapter 4

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Amber's POV.

i woke up at the sound of people talking and i have a huge headache, i was still in yesterday's dress except it was wrinkly and my hair was a mess and my mascara was smudged, so in less words...i looked horrible

i made my way down and they looked up, I'm guessing they stayed the night too but i didn't care, i was tired and my head was hurting and worst of all THEY WOKE ME UP

"why the bloody hell did you have to
be loud enough to wake me" i said frustrated with them then jeremy said

"why do you look like you just crawled out of your grave" i slightly glared at him but non the less said

"I'm tired, my heads hurting and i worst of all i look HORRIBLE, but i cant go out like this so elena, you give me a pair of jeans and damon, one of your shirts"

elena nodded but confused so she asked
"why don't i give you one of mine"

"because no offense buttercup but you have horrible taste and also i want something loose and comfy" i told her

elena glared annoyingly but nodded anyways and went to get me the jeans while i followed damon to his room he took out a shirt for me and i looked in his mirror and said

"god how the hell did i go from looking like i did last night to this"

i grabbed a tissue and removed the smudge makeup, then i grabbed a comb and brushed my hair and it actually looked pretty good, finally elena came back with the jeans and i changed my clothes and came out and looked a lot better

"See your already as hot as you were" he told me smirking sitting next to me on the bed

"Thanks but i still dont look good" i said getting up

"You complain too much, you know that" said

"Only when things aren't going my way" i said as a matter of fact

I grabbed my purse and left the boarding house, i went home and showered then put my hair in a ponytail and put on my make up them my outfit which was a white tank with white skinnies and a floral blouse wrapped around the waist with nude colored heels

I went to the grill and ordered a bourbon and burger, suddenly my phone rings and i look at the caller id and its amy i picked up

"hey Amy" i said

"hey chicka, you done call, you don't write" she teased

"its been 2 days" i said like its very obvious which by the way it is, and then my food came

"2 long days, i really missed you"

"i missed you too, but Im settled back good and I'm are you hqvw others to hang out with "

she chuckle "yeah thats true"

"speaking of other girls you wont believe what hanna did" she exclaimed and suddenly i saw elena and damon and stefan sitting on the same booth as me so i waved but ignored them..what I'm on the phone!

"what's she do" i asked

"She's been chasing Patch around like a love suck puppy, she thinks she has a chance now that youre not here" she said

"WHAT! That little bitch" i pretty much shouted and half the grill looked at me but i couldn't care less so i gave them a dismissive wave

"yeah i know, she told me she was sorry, she couldnt help the way she was feeling and all other bull, but i totally out bitched her"

she said proudly and made me proud but i still couldn't help but feel sad, i know i broke it off with patch but that doesn't mean i don't love him anymore and I'm afraid of what he'll do, i don't know what he's thinking at the moment.

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