2- The DEADLY Truth

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"You have passed on, Kazuichi"

"...I WHATT?!"

-3rd Person POV-

Kazuichi immediantly arisen and turned to the person, "GYAHHH!!! Y-YOURE DEAD TOO?!" He screeched, pointing at taller male next to his sleeping pod.

"Besides, who are you?"

"Who...am *I*?!" The other responded, acting offended, "well, i am the great Supreme Overlord Of Ice! Gundham Tanaka!"

"Uh-okaayy...?" Kazuichi chuckled awkwardly, combing his brown hair with his fingers, "listen, man, im still alive, im pretty sure i havent died...yet"

Gundham just stared at him and cocked a brow, "if you claim to still be living then why exactly are you here? Correct me if im wrong but here- where we are, is a place where the non living are at rest"

"Uh...well..about thattt- i just dont know HOW THE FUCKING HELL I GOT HERE! IM NOT EVEN DEAD! YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME BACK TO EARTH! I WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO TELL MISS SONIA I LIKED HERRRR!~" he whined starting to bawl his fists.

"Quit being such a nauseous brat"
The other replied while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Kazuichi kept quiet and just frowned, "...my condolences" he just looked away awkwardly, "i dont know how i got here, obviously i'll end up being scared- heck, im scared as shit :'o( "

Gundham just patted his head and sighed, "fine. I will try to explain as best as i can, though i wont guarantee that this will be useful, nor will it bring satisfactory upon your lost soul"

"...okaaayy? Are you gonna tell me now or somethin'? "

"Of course...though, first, we must be on our way and leave this chamber"

"Okie Doki, lead the way"

-Kazuichis POV-

i followed Gundham into these random looking ass hallways, theyre honestly creepy, but i chose to stay quiet since it wouldve been awkward- or...more awkward.
I look up at him and notice something...



He died?? Since when? I dont think i remember there being any incidents, or like any announcements at school-
But then again, it is Hopes Peak Academy...why would they care?

I shrug off the thought and continue to follow...


(Dudes, im just gonna make these chapters short that way there could be more parts of it)

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