3- Off Limits

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He died?? Since when? I dont think i remember there being any incidents, or like any announcements at school-
But then again, it is Hopes Peak Academy...why would they care?

I shrug off the thought and continue to follow...


"Hph!- Dude Why'd you slow down for?!" I grumbled, backing up, "..."
"Gundham? Are uh- are you okay?"


He moved his hand infront of my torso as if he were refraining me from walking further.

"Halt...this area is off limits..." he spoke in a whisper, though, nearly failing.

"uh...- okayy??"

"Gundham, are you like- uh...how do i say this..- are you like, okay? You seem pretty off...especially since i first got here...why were you waiting in that room, it seemed like you knew i was gonna appear here, and thats- thats pretty fuckin' scary" i said in a nervous tone, hoping i wasnt just being paranoid and stupid for pointing out the littlest things.

"..." he just stood there and then slowly turned to look at me, "i wasnt 'waiting' for you, i was merely investigating that area, until suddently the sleeping pod turned a neon-like color"

"...oh...? Really? Cause like, why would you already be next to me? Thats pretty suspicious..."

"If you wish to argue about the littlest things, then so be it, i do not wish to continue doing this blasphemy." Gundham grunted, crossing his arms, "Dude! Are you seriously giving me an attitude! I was just saying that you seemed suspicious! Ugh!" I stomped my feet and stormed off into a random room.


"Momma...where's papa...?"

"Hm? What do you mean darling? I told you that hes at work.."

"But you always say that and hes still not here- momma, i want the truth...please...?"


"Of course my sweet Gundy Darling...anything for you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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