Part 9

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Let's get right into the story!

Getting things ready for the wedding was hectic Miu had

people come out and make a wooden plank pathway with

railings from Shoyo's back yard to theirs.

So that the guests that was staying with them had an easier

time walking.

Luckily Shoyo's kitchen is like a restaurant's not a home

kitchen, so it makes it easier on the caterers.

To Shoyo's dismay Kei decided that they wasn't having sex

until their wedding night.

Shoyo can't believe that Kei is doing this he's waited for 4

years now.

Shoyo was really hoping once he proposed that Kei would

give that wonderful ass up, but he's stuck with old mother

palm and her 5 daughter.

Miu and Sin tried their best to get Kei to wear a dress, but

Kei wasn't having that he may have a womb, but he doesn't

have a vagina.

Shoyo wasn't any help at all he did was sit there smiling.

Kei is pretty sure it's because he's making Shoyo wait for sex

so, Kei took cuddles off the table too which didn't last long.

Moving into Shoyo's didn't take much Kei already had a full

closet of clothes at Shoyo's and so did Shoya.

The hardest part with living with Shoyo was only being a

couple of doors down from him and Shoyo running around

all the time without a shirt and in them damn low riding


Not to mention when Shoyo would come out of the weight

and exercise room all pumped up.

Kei did his workout anytime Shoyo wasn't in there.

God knows Kei is looking forward to their wedding night he

was pretty sure that Shoyo would still be able to fuck for 3

days straight with little sleep.

At least he was hoping because he needed it.

It wasn't as hard to not let Shoyo fuck him when his guilt

was eating him up but now it is taking every ounce of

restraint he has.

Every since Kei and Shoya moved in with Shoyo Kei has

wondered why he made this rule no fucking until their

wedding night, but he made it so he's sticking to it.

God Kei loves Shoyo he is everything he's not kind, caring,

doesn't hold on to grudges and forgiving beyond belief.

There are few people that have seen Kei's soft side Shoyo

understands why Kei is the way he is maybe Shoyo would be

that way if his family was like Kei's, so Shoyo doesn't hold

My Stupid Alpha a HinaTsuki story.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt