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"Can I please have them back now?" asked John to A. Sheuay before he left. "...yeah, I don't need them anymore."


"Today is August 2nd, 2021, uh, it's just me today, Sophia seems to have vanished," Luke Rodgers spoke as he was recording today's tape, "The one vehicle we had also appears to have vanished, but I still have all the stuff. I'm wondering if she drove back already, but that seems kinda bizarre. Gonna spend some time looking for her as well as the hard drive to see what I can find. I'll continue to record these tapes, as we progress."

"Today is, uh...September 8th, 2021. I'm stuck in the Storage Facility, not because I'm lost, but because there's a person in here saying he's looking for me. I think I'm going to be here a while. Honestly, I'm a little scared I might die here." He holds his flashlight to a hole in the wall, where their are stairs leading up to somewhere, "Currently hiding in the basement of the Storage Facility, wondering when I will be allowed to leave." Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, and the video jump cuts to Luke Rodgers hiding behind a box that reads "DO NOT OPEN". He's breathing heavily, almost as if he ran here, or his hyperventilating. "Come on, Luke," snarked a voice, "I know where the hard drive is." He doesn't respond, and the video's pitch black, so you can barely see anything. "You want the hard drive, that's what you and Sophia where looking for. I know exactly where it is, just follow me." He still doesn't respond, but the breathing gets faster as the footsteps get closer. Suddenly, they stop, then the thing turns around, and starts walking away from Luke. Finally, he whispers into the recording "I don't know who that was, I don't know what they want, but I've been seeing them for weeks and weeks now. They stalk me. They stalk Sophia. They know where the hard drive is."


It was now the 24th of December. Christmas Eve!

And none of the missing people had been let go yet. All were still wherever A. Sheuay was keeping them.

John walks into work, once again, whiskey in hand. He's hoping to finish it today and enjoy Christmas Day tomorrow with his friend and wife, but given the fact that they hadn't been returned yet, that seemed unlikely.

He takes a shot, thinking of Jack and—oh shit.

How's John going to explain to Sophia and Jack his drinking problem?

H-He can't! He doesn't know how!

His drinking started on the day Sophia went missing, god what would she think?

Him and her were already a bit at odds over the Magisterium, with John wanting it removed and Sophia wanting to keep it. And Jack, oh god Jack...Jack had wanted him to steer away from alcohol...if he didn't already hate him, he would after he found out he was drinking...

He quickly shakes those thoughts off, focusing on the documentary. He hadn't gotten as much work as he would've liked done yesterday, as thoughts of the Magisterium, Monika, Mod Alex, Luke Rodgers, A. Sheuay, whiskey, and that hard drive had flooded his mind. Today, things felt clearer, with the exception of whiskey, of course.

He worked hard throughout the day, occasionally stopping for lunch or for dinner, or to call home and see if Sophia was there yet. She wasn't, and neither was Jack.

However, he did get a phone call from a certain person, who was very pleased to speak with him. "You must be John?" Asked the lady, "John Aardvark?" "And you are?" "Rosemary Miller." "Rosemary, good to hear from you. You...did get my audio, right?


"I'm sorry that happened to him."

"It's not your fault, John, I promise."

"I know, it's all sympathy at this point."

"I understand."

"How did the kids take this news?"

"...I don't think they really understand him being...'dead'."


"Harrison seemed to get it somewhat, but Kimmy keeps asking me when he's gonna be home..."

"Poor girl."

"Thank you very much for sending us that audit log."

"Don't mention it!"

She hangs up, breaking down into tears immediately afterwards.

John went right back to working on his documentary. He was actually making progress, and couldn't be happier with the final product. It was nearing completion now, he just had to add one last scene and the finish touches. He decided that enough was enough, and walked out the door, walking home, or tried, until a taxi pulled over and took him home.

It was Christmas Eve.

Alone was John.

A. Sheuay still hadn't given up the missing people yet, despite the fact that he said he would do that yesterday. He wanted Sophia back desperately, and certainly wanted to see Jack again. He really wanted his family and best friend back for Christmas, but the likelihood of him getting that was slim to none.

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