strict rules, fine print.

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talk of death forbidden.
strict rules, fine print.
you never really lose someone if they return,
because you got them back.
they're there and that's what matters.
but rules and fine prints stray,
talk is wrong, as i lay in this box.
itching on the surface
clawing it's way in,
but it doesn't remove it's loneliness.
i have died and lost you,
but my heart pounds, as well as yours.
it's funny to feel death whilst alive,
and to lose someone in your presence.
the world slows and forgets,
while you're in this box,
dead but alive,
and heartbroken over someone merely feet away.
strict rules, fine print.
but they don't know my heart.
i am dead,
because i died in your absence.
and your absence pains,
even as you stare into my eyes.

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