Part 4: The beauty and innocence of 'Creek"

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This will be the last part of this analysis, so buckle in guys.

This is gonna be a short one, 1400 words at most.

So these last three chapters covered pretty much everything there was to know about Tweek and Craig. Their sexualitys, episode analyses, and their relationship as a whole.

But the one thing I haven't covered is why Creek is such a popular ship in the first place.

Of course at first it seemed like perfect shipping material, if we date back to 1999.

In 1999, as you all know, Tweek VS Craig came out. The whole premise of the episode opened up new opportunities for shippers and they quickly rose to it.

What was a better dynamic than rivals to lovers?

That by itself got the fangirls busy writing fanfiction about the two and drawing fanart.

Tweek x Craig was considered a crack ship within the fandom, and thats because it was. All they had was one episode together and no further interactions. But their opposing personalities really drew the fans in.

Tweek, a paranoid, stressed and probably a (unknowingly) drug addicted boy was a perfect match for a chill, arrogant and admittedly nerdy character like Craig.

So through their characters as a whole birthed so many iconic Creek fanfictions and fanart we see and love today.

A lot of the best Creek fanfiction date back to even 2005 on Some good ones around that era include 'some boys are monsters' & 'Aisle 10'.

And of course we mustn't forget the fanart. Thanks to the fanart, we got the episode that canonised Creek in the first place. Applause to the artists.

If we move back a few years ago to 2015 we can finally talk about what made Creek so good even today.

'Tweek x Craig' succeeded in bringing in many new Creek shippers, pushing away Style as the number 1 popular ship and replacing it with Creek. The episode was a riot.

Many people were confused, but the majority (mostly teenagers) welcomed in this new prospect with open arms.

That episode proved a lot of people's headcanons. Craig's calm, logical and collected mannerisms proved helpful to Tweek and he managed to give Tweek a pep talk that would work too well.

Not a lot of people can calm down Tweek, but Craig simply told him that he was capable of more than he thought and when he was proven right, Tweek had all the reason to trust the latter, making them a perfect couple.

They work together well and they prove useful to eachother in general? A match made in heaven!

They clearly enjoy eachothers company too, I'd like to add on that seeing them play Assassins creed while bashfully talking really makes my day.

Of course, Craig's logical side of him is a bit of a debuff. It's okay though, because learning from your mistakes is the key. As shown in 'Put it down', Craig was confused at what Tweek needed and was convinced he was just overreacting, but all Tweek needed was to talk.

Once Craig comes to realisation, he immediately goes over to Tweeks house to fix things. That's what a good boyfriend does.

As well as that, their constant motivation they push towards one another is adorable and vital in a good relationship. Of course, here I am referring to 'South Park: The fractured but whole' as they are constantly rooting each other on - when they're not fighting.

[This section contains 'South park: Post covid' & 'Return to covid' spoilers.]

So far I've covered what makes Creek so popular, I'd put it under the 'Beauty' category out of Beauty and innocence: now onto innocence.

Tweek x Craig: the Analysis (Bigger, Better, Longer and Uncut)Where stories live. Discover now