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As vector walked in Burger King, Gordon Ramsay feared what was to happen next. He looked back over to Guy Fieri, who was also surprised to see him here.
At Vector's side was his new boyfriend, Sonic. This surprised Gordon as he found vector tremendously similar to that of a rat drenched in septic water.
Vector noticed them on their little date and took a seat with Sonic next to theirs.
"Nice evening isn't it?" Vector scoffed, glaring at the two of them. Guy Fieri looked to the floor in shame, he had left Vector for Gordon after all, why wouldn't it be awkward?
Sonic didn't like this behavior from Vector, but he was changeable, from his trashy personality to his big bodacious booty. That was what Guy remembered liking the most.
"Don't you have better stuff to do, Vector?" said Gordon, trying to shake him off with a remark. "Yeah sure, your mom," Vector said. He thought he was funny but in reality he had the humor of a 12 year old Fortnite kid. The sad thing was, Vector was a Fortnite kid.
"Let's just move tables baby girl," Gordon Ramsay said to the ever quiet and nervous Guy Fieri. He nodded and followed him to the other side of Burger King.
Vector watched them leave, staring longingly yet viciously at Guy Fieri. Sonic felt like he wasn't even there.
Maybe it was finally time to tell him.

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