chapter 2

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Once I dropped Chris off at my neighbor Lucy's house - a sweet middle aged woman who couldn't have kids, and watched him frequently - I drove reluctantly to Anna's house.

If you couldn't already tell, I didn't want to go to this party. What was the point? I mean, really, what was I missing if I didn't go?

In my experience, watching movies about it and reading about it, parties with teenagers were just sweaty people drinking and getting hot and heavy up against walls. That just didn't seem too pleasant. Sighing heavily, I pulled to a stop in front of her small, white house with bundles of bright flowers scattered around the entrance. Her mother was quite the gardener.

My heart panged. She was so lucky to have a parent who cared. I rolled my lips into my mouth, clenching my hands onto the steering wheel. Don't cry. Don't cry. I swallowed back the lump that formed in my throat, and opened the door of my car.

Just as I was about to knock on Rosé's door, the door opened and Rosé's red hair was piled messily on top of her head. She claimed that she was her most artistic with makeup and hair when her hair was on top of her head. Don't ask.

"Are you ready to be beautified?" She squealed, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed, shaking my head no, but following her upstairs to her room anyways.

I found jimin already there, lying on her bed throwing a football up and down, a bored look on his face. I didn't know why he bothered to come while we got ready, he always complained.

"Guys," He groaned, "You're taking forever." See? Told you. Jimin was the ultimate whiny boy. No one I knew could complain like jimin could.

Rosé thumped Scott on the head, frowning at him, "Lisa just got here, we're not even started. So shut it, jiminie." She grinned cheekily.

"Don't call me jiminie," jimin glared, but smiled when she giggled, swear they were meant to be together, but they always got grossed out whenever I mentioned it. Whatever. They'll see it soon enough.

I sat down on Rosé's vanity chair, closing my eyes. I sighed through my nose. This was going to take forever.

"Stop screaming," She muttered, pulling harder on my bangs.

"I hate you." I told her. I could just imagine her smiling.

"No you don't, and you'll love me when you see how yummy you look." I sighed. No matter how many times I told Rosé, she never listened when I insisted she should not ever use the word 'yummy' to describe a person.

"Jimin," Anna murmured after a while of plucking, painting, and pulling, "Get out so we can change." Rosé made something that sounded like a scoff, "Don't make that face. You cannot stay in here while we change."

"Sure, sure," I said, offhandedly. I could feel her plucking my eyebrows. I made a face. My eyebrows weren't even bad.

He groaned, "Whatever," He muttered sounding disappointed.

* * * *

I laughed, grinning. "Jimin, you're such a pervert!" I heard the door slam closed, and I opened my eyes. Rosé had turned all the mirrors away so I couldn't see myself yet.

"No." I said simply, staring at the small thing that people actually called a dress. It was simple, pretty even. Just way too showy, way too... not me.

"Yes!" Rosé yelled, throwing it towards me. Rosé, as always, looked gorgeous in her bright yellow dress that was short and puffy, resembling a fairy dress. Her hair was curled and thrown into a pony tail that was messy enough to look nonchalant, but neat enough to look elegant. I didn't know how she did it. I frowned. My best friend was so gorgeous, and I was just... plain.

I sighed heavily, pulling on the dress, humoring her.

I did a unenthusiastic twirl, and murmured, "Ta da" in a bored voice.

"You. Look. GORGEOUS!" She yelled, smiling proudly at her work.

Jimin walked in, glancing at me, and then at Rosé, and his face turned red when he saw her. I told you, didn't I? They were obviously in love with eachother.

"Finally," Jimin said, still ogling Rosé without her knowing it. She was too busy cleaning up all the makeup she had thrown everywhere. Rosé was such a clean freak. While Jimin was still staring at Rosé's ass, I turned to look in a mirror Rosé had turned back around.

I stared at the mirror, my long blonde hair straightened so it fell almost down to my waist. My pale blue eyes stood out with the makeup that Rosé had applied. I titled my head, the dress wasn't that bad on me since I was short so it didn't look too revealing.

Rosé came up from behind me, grinning. "I told you that you look beautiful. Now let's go!" She yelled, grabbing Jimin's hand, and twirling herself around. I noticed he looked completely flustered, and I secretly smiled. I would make sure that they got together soon.

* * * *

"Ugh," I shook out my leg as some drunk oaf spilled beer onto me. My shoulders slumped, while I watched Rosé dancing, her bright yellow dress billowing out around her thighs, as she twisted and gracefully spun through the crowd, enchanting guys all around her. I had no idea where Jimin was. He probably went to play a drinking game or something.

And here I was, little old Lisa, standing in the middle of sweaty people drinking and getting hot and heavy up against the walls. I guess the books and movies were right, this does suck.

I made my way through the crowd, as they cheered as some drunk guy fell from the staircase railing onto a table of food. I made a face. Painful, much?

It made me uncomfortable when guys stared at my legs. Maybe this dress showed more than I realized. I snapped at yet another guy who couldn't keep his eyes upward.

I waved my hand in front of his face, "Yeah, hi. My eyes are up here." I snapped a few times in front of my eyes, smiled sweetly as he looked up, embarrassed from being caught, and walked past him.

My phone rang loudly from inside my purse. I jumped, snatching it and flipping it open.

"Lisa! Baby!" My mother's slur blared into my ear. I already felt the tears prickling in my eyes.

"Mom," I said quietly, "Go to sleep, okay?"

"No! Where are you? I'm hungry," She whined like a child. I sighed shakily, feeling the lump in my throat already.

"Look," I said, pushing through people, "Just put a piece of bread in the toaster, Mom."

"No!" She wailed, "I can't be expected to do these things! I need you to do them, that's why you're here!" I put a hand to my forehead.

"Mom, I'm your daughter, not your maid. Why don't you do your own shit." I snapped into the phone, my shoulders already shaking.

"How dare you -" I hung up quickly, trying to calm myself down.

Forget it, Lisa. Don't cry, don't cry. I tried to soothe myself. I stumbled down the hallway, opening a door, and slamming it shut behind me. I panted, holding a hand over my mouth, trying to breathe normally.

"What are you doing in my room?" A familiar voice snapped, and I looked up, surprised.

I inhaled sharply. My eyes met two bright blue ones.

Oh, shit.

* * * *

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