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"I repeat,.. This is a fucking bad idea. " Baekhyun said as he drove.

"Honestly speaking, I agree as well. " Sehun added with a nervous look beside him in the passenger seat.

"It's not bad or stupid if it's for a good deed. " Jongdae said from the backseat, peeking his head between them like a child.

"Good deed my ass, this is the first time you're not being the one with sense. " Baekhyun said.

"Just fucking drive! " Jongdae hit his shoulder.

The Day Before..

"She's what now? " Sehun exclaimed.

"I know. Really shocking. I don't even know how to take this situation myself. " Jongdae said running a hand through his hair. Baekhyun put down his strawberry milkshake and looked at him.

"So let me grasp the situation here. You went to a bar a few days ago, found out Yuri was working there and is also being bossed around by some guy who owns the place and so you asked her what was going on and she told you they were dating? "

"Yes." Jongdae answered and Baekhyun scoffed.

"Are you kidding me right now? "

"Of course not!.. I'm serious! " Jongdae stood from his chair for emphasis.

"And so how is this is a big problem?.. She's working there. Dating the big boss. Good for her. So what? Jealous much ? " Sehun smirked and Jongdae looked ready to throw him off the roof.

"Don't you fucking get it?!.. She's clearly being controlled by that man. She told me herself that she hates that guy and if she could she would run off. "

Baekhyun furrowed his brows.

"Then why not do just that? " he asked. He wasn't really following where Jongdae was going with it.

"That's where the big problem comes in. Apparently her family went bankrupt. Her dad got arrested for embezzlement, mom lost her job and staying at home which it's rent is overdue. She has no choice but to work there though she didn't know what she was getting herself into. She's being used by that bastard and he doesn't leave her side 24/7. Her parents don't know anything because he swore he would fuck shit up for her if she dared to say anything. " Jongdae explained.

"Whoa.Thats crazy. Is she okay? " Sehun of course asked the dumbest question.

"What do you think you idiot? I just told you she's working at a strip club under some control freak just so she could be able to support her mom and herself. " Jongdae said with annoyance.

"You could have just started with that at the beginning. Is that why she broke up with you and went AWOL? " Baekhyun asked.

"Yeah.looks like she was ashamed or something. Probably thought I wouldn't want her after that. Which is stupid really because I love her. No matter what she has or doesn't have"

"Okay we don't need to hear about your love declarations. Tell me though. What were you even doing in a strip club loverboi?.. " Sehun wagged his brows and Baekhyun just wanted to be the one to throw him off the roof. Dude never took anything seriously.

"I was there because I got tipped off by some of her classmates that she was working there. What the fuck do you take me for?.." Jongdae glared at him, obviously offended and Sehun just shrugged.

"Are you sure she told you she was being abused or whatever by that guy? " Baekhyun asked.

"Yes. She said to back off though and leave her alone but I know she's just trying to push me away. She needs help Baekhyun. " Jongdae was now pleading and Baekhyun felt bad for his friend. He knows that feeling of wanting to help but you just aren't capable. Or maybe you are but you don't know what to do or where to start.

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