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AN: I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED so do not kill me please


He tapped repeatedly on the desk with his pen, thoughts scattered and all over the place. There was a lot going on and Chanyeol of all days had to choose now to not call him in. He's been waiting for his call but it was almost 1 now and not once did he call. Baekhyun knew today was his off with him but he had hoped he would ask for him so he could busy himself instead of sitting here in his office afraid of going out and bumping into Younghoon. Yesterday proved to be Baekhyun's worst day.

He hasn't really been sure of what was going on with Chanyeol and him but he didn't want to be a horrible person and drag Younghoon into his messed up love life and so he grew some balls and decided it's best to approach him and end things before they got too serious. What he didn't expect to see when he had knocked and let himself in his office after there was no response was Younghoon pining some guy on his desk heavily making out with him. If you could ask him his initial reaction to that he wouldn't have been able to give you a clear answer. At the time the only thing he could do was stand there dumbfounded.

Last night.......

"Oh my god Baekhyun.... " Younghoon pulled away with shocked and embarrassed eyes.

"I.... Sorry. I actually knocked but you didn't... Never mind. I'll leave these here. " Baekhyun put down the files he had drafted for him and left but Younghoon was quick and ran after pulling him into an empty printing room.

"Look Baekhyun I can explain...... "

He snorted. "How more cliche could it get than that? "

"I'm sorry. Really. It's just...... "

He cut him off again. "Who was that? "

"Huh? "

"Who were you making out with just now? " his voice was monotone, devoid of emotions.

"That's not the point... I.... "

"Who is it Younghoon? "

Younghoon sighed, hands on his waist and head hanging low in what Baekhyun hoped was shame. "Chanhee,.. He's my ex. "

Of course it's his ex."And you two have been seeing each other while you asked me out? " Baekhyun asked in disbelief.

"No!.. Of course not!... It's just he and I have been on and off and we broke up for real this time but he came back and I just..... "

"Spare me the details. Wow. This sucks. I don't even know how to feel about this" Baekhyun's chuckle was void of humor. He honestly didn't know how to feel. Was he excruciatingly hurt by what he just saw? No. Did he feel like shit that it happened either way? Yes.

"Look. I'm sorry. I really am. I have no excuses whatsoever. "

"Truly speaking I am kind of disappointed. We just started dating and it would have been nice if you had told me from the start that you and your ex still have unresolved issues than for me to find out like this. But then again who am I to judge. I haven't been honest with you and that's why I came over to tell you that maybe we should reconsider our relationship but looks like I won't be needing to do that anymore. "

"What are you talking about Baekhyun? Are you saying you've been lying about your feelings for me and wanted to break up with me? " Younghoon asked, his expression that of someone hurt.

"I wasn't lying. I do.... No. Did like you. But it wasn't intense and I was willing to try and so maybe my feelings would grow during time. I wasn't lying about anything. And as for breaking up well it's because things haven't been quite clear with Chanyeol and I so before shit got messy I wanted to....... "

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