Sunset Paradise: Rewritten - A Christmas Special

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Christmas Eve


(Port Aurora is bustling with its usual activities during the day. Atop a roof somewhere is Whisk, perched on the corner, waiting for crime to strike.)

Whisk: (To herself) Alright, Whisk. Look alive... New day in Port Aurora, new crimes to be committed... question is who's doing it and who's getting caught... (She scans the port intently, observing the trades and other shady looking people. Suddenly, she focuses on a couple on a bench near the beach. A male Aurora Bora, Chet, is seen proposing to a female Aura Bora.) Wait a minute... that guy... he's stealing that girl's ring! Well not on my watch! (She hops down to the ground.) Out of my way, Port Aurora Police! (She runs toward the couple as people watch)

Chet: (To the girl) My dear Cynthia. We've been together for 5 years, now please join me for the rest of my life in marriage!

Cynthia: Oh, Chet!

Whisk: (Offscreen) BACK OFF! (Out of nowhere she kicks Chet across the beach.)

Cynthia: CHET!

(Chet hits a cliff wall and falls to the ground.)

Whisk: That's what you get for stealing from innocent girls. (She takes the ring off the floor.) Here's your ring, ma'am. You okay?

Cynthia: NO! That ring was from my boyfriend! He was about to propose to me!

Whisk: P-propose? What's that mean?

Cynthia: How do you not know what proposing is???

(Chet is getting up, dizzy.)

Chet: Ugh... that kick... w-who kicked... me- (He focuses on Whisk. His eyes are full of shock and disbelief. It's love at first sight.) Wow... what a lady! :D

(Cynthia is still ripping into Whisk)

Cynthia: And these have been the best five years of my life! You think you can just come in and steal my man because you feel like it?

Whisk: Steal your man? W-wait no! I'm not trying to-

Chet: My lady! (He takes the ring from Whisk.) I've never seen someone so- tough and strong and... beautiful like you!

Whisk/Cynthia: HUH?

Chet: (Getting down on one knee) Please... join me in a life of happiness... I'll make these the best years of your life!

Cynthia: ...IIIII KNEW IT! (Whacking Chet as she turns to Whisk) This was always about him wasn't it! No way you're too oblivious to know what a proposal is! This was all just some plot to steal my man's heart! What kind of deadbeat evil cop do you think you are?

Whisk: E-evil???

Cynthia: I bet you're stealing all the men around this port aren't you?

Whisk: I- I've gotta go... good luck with...this. ^^' (She runs away)

Chet: Wait! Come back! Things were just getting started, m'lady!

Cynthia: Quiet, you deadbeat! We're through!


(Whisk slinks in and sighs.)

Whisk: So much for that mission... (She walks up to a couch in the living room and faceplants on it.) Hey, Auri...

(We see a rather somber Auri looking at a photo of his late Pop-Pop.)

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