Sarah Sanderson x Reader | Fluff <3

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this is for my dear bestie max who also simps for sarah sanderson

this is for my dear bestie max who also simps for sarah sanderson

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Y/n's POV:

I was currently at the Sanderson Sisters House, Winifred and Mary had already left trying to get children but Sarah stayed behind and invited me over.
i was just spacing out until Sarah tapped my shoulder.

"Y/n does thee require anything? water, food?" she smiled rocking back and forth a little as she talked

"If you don't mind i'd like some water, also weren't you supposed to be making that spell/potion thing? i can help!!" I replied smiling back at her

"oh! oh! yes i thank thee for reminding me, we should finish before winnie gets back" sarah gasped as she dashed to the cauldron situated in the middle of the house. 'god she is so adorable when she's hyper'

"Sarah can I ask you something?" i questioned. "Sure my little treat"

"Why did you start making potions? I am actually quite curious" Sarah took a deep breath and motioned me towards here, i walked over to her.

"Well, My sisters and I started making potions so we could stay young and beautiful, And our mother wanted our magical Abilities to grow for her, We never perfected the potions in time for her"

I kissed her lightly on the cheek "Sarah.. i'm so sorry"

"Don't be, At least We-" There was a knock on the door followed by Winifred Shouting
"Sister Sarah! We are home"

I walked to the door and Opened the door for The Other sisters

"Hello There Mortal, What is Thee doing in My home?" Winifred Said Walking past with Mary and a little girl.

I closed the door and walked to Sarah and leaned on her shoulder.

"Sisters!!! This is Y/n, They are my partner!! " Sarah giggled while stroking my hair. I hummed and nodded

"Ah right. Well I will not be involving myself with your.. toy" Winifred said sneering the last word.

"on the other hand Sister Sarah did thou finish the potion?"

Sarah ignored winifred's rude comment and moved away from me so she could finish the potion
"No Winnie I will finish it now"

I followed Sarah and rubbed her arm to make sure she was alright, "I can stay if you want me to be here Sarah, Also Those ingredients are so weird!! Like 'dead man's toe" I laughed trying to keep a convo going, Sarah giggled "I love you my sweet drop"
"I love you too sarah,, now lets finish this potion!!"

Sarah grabbed Winnie's Spell book and opened it to the page she needed

"Bringeth to a full rousing bubble, then add two drops oil of boil and a dead man's toe. Next, add a dab of newt saliva, dash of pox. Stir thrice. One final thing and all is done: add a piece of thine own tongue." Sarah read out then asked me to grab a dead man's toe. After giving her the ingredients i stand back as Winifred and Mary Joined in to 'give a piece of thine own tongue'

'I still don't really know how this is supposed to work' The 3 sisters fed the child part of the potion and she started to glow, and they.. inhaled the glow? when Sarah turned around she looked younger and ran to me and kissed me on the cheek as i did to her earlier, "Y/n i thank thee for the help!!" she smiled widely.
"Anytime my love" I whispered as we sat down an laid on eachother falling asleep.


Hearts bound by Magic. | sarah Sanderson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now