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"Sorry!" The figure called, raising their hands in defence.

As they got closer Heather noticed something rather familiar about him, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Then she noticed one disturbing detail; He had blood pouring out of a wound on his left leg, he was practically dragging himself towards her.

"Do you think you could help?" He asked, looking up at her pleadingly.

"What happened?!" She asked, her eyes widening.

"It's a really long story." He stated breathlessly.

"There was a shipwreck, stuff happened. Turns out - metal is really sharp." He joked, making Heather smile.

"Wait- you're from the shipwreck?" Heather asked curiously.

"No! I'm from mars." He grinned, rolling over on one side

"Our spaceship crashed here."

Heathers eyes widened, and the boy chuckled.

"I'm kidding." he told her.

"Oh" she smiled tightly.

"Yeah, do you have any medical supplies?" He asked her.

"I'll check." She told him

"I came here to look for supplies anyway; blankets and clothes." She explained

"Ugh" he groaned. Grabbing his leg.

"Be quick okay? As beautiful as you are I don't want you to be the last thing I see before I die." He grinned.

She nodded and then walked over to the destroyed ship. She climbed over a few scraps of metal and wood. She reached the deck, which was now in pieces.

She spotted her pink, heart print suitcase, and practically leapt over to reach it.


Sean hissed in pain, watching her petite figure disappear into the ship.

He grabbed his leg, but pulled his hand back when a piercing pain flew through his body. He looked to his hand to see it was covered in blood.


Heather opened up the case, revealing her pastel coloured clothes and chocolate bars. She dug further into her case to find her small emergency first aid kit.

She ran out of the ship, back to the boy. He was practically in tears and wincing from the pain.

"It's okay, I'm here." She assured, sitting on the sand and opening up the first aid kit.


Sean watched as the beautiful girl infront of him reached into the first aid kit and pulled out sanitiser, applying it to his wound to cleanse it.

Heather smiled up at him reassuringly, as she began to bandage his leg.

"So, I'm Sean" he smiled, attempting to make small talk.

"I'm Heather." She introduced.

"No you're beautiful." He grinned, causing her to blush slightly. He had had always been the cheesy twin.

"You seem really familiar to me." She began

"Do you have a brother?"

Sean nodded

"A twin." He smirked, watching Heathers eyes widen with curiosity.

"Adam is his name, womanising is his game." He stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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