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Paige and Adam spent a while wandering around and searching for anyone else, but had so far had no luck.

"Are you sure there's other people here?" Paige questioned.

"Can you see any?" Adam replied arrogantly.

"No- but we haven't exactly looked very hard have we?" Paige retorted.

"You're welcome to go look if you want." Adam remarked.

"Be sure to check at the bottom of the ocean."

Paige rolled her eyes at his remark. To her, Adam seemed annoying, pig headed, selfish and not to mention self centred and conceited.

She wandered off in search for survivors, while Adam continued his struggle to make a fire, since he no longer had his butlers to do it for him.


Heather continued to glance around the island, in search of anyone who might have been stranded along with her, and after a while of searching, found a girl wandering the opposite way.

"Hey!" Heather called, causing the girl to turn around, as she did a smile appeared on her face.

"Hi!" The girl called back happily, with a small wave.

"Im so glad we're not alone." She sighed with relief, tossing a strand of her lightly curled brunette waves over her shoulder, as she walked over to Heather.

The sun rays reflected her light brown orbs, adding a mysterious glint to her sun kissed skin.

"Wait - We?" Heather questioned

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

"There's more of you?" Heather asked curiously.

"I'm not sure if there's more but, Adams back there." The girl stated, pointing back to where she had came from.

"I'm Paige." She introduced, stretching out her hand, which Heather shook.

"Hey." Heather smiled.

"I'm Heather."

"Nice to meet you." Paige said to her, with her usual warm grin.

"Could you, take me to these other people you were with?" Heather asked Paige, who in return, nodded.

They then headed back over to where Paige had left Adam.


"What did you do that for?!" The boy exclaimed, with a tone of hurt.

"That hurt!"

"Well you scared me." Summer defended, placing one of her pale hands on her hip.

"You know for a girl you sure as hell can punch like a man." The boy retorted.

"Thank you." Summer said back. The boy let out a small laugh.

"I'm Ryan." He introduced holding out his hand to the platinum blonde stood before him

Summer merely glanced at his hand, before walking off.

"We should look for others." She stated, as he walked up beside her, and glanced around the enormous island.

"It's a big island." He reminded.

"We probably won't find anything here, let alone anyone."

"Well i found you didn't i?" She asked casually

"Technically I found you." He corrected.

"We can argue over this on the way." She smiled, playfully narrowing her eyes.


Heather remained eerily silent as Paige escorted her to where she had last seen Adam. They had exchanged greetings and told each other some things about themselves, Paige had informed Heather of Adams ever-present arrogance, causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles.

"So, he's not one to be messed with, huh?" Smiled Heather, tucking a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

Paige scoffed, rolling her hazel eyes

"No, but I still enjoy pissing him off." She replied, recalling the events that had occurred earlier.

They remained quiet for a while, until Heather noticed two silhouettes in the distance. She turned to Paige, her eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"I thought you said there was only one other person on the island." Heather questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"I thought there was." Paige replied, running towards the silhouettes. Before she could get far, two arms wrapped around her torso, restraining her and stopping her from getting any further

"What are you doing? They might be dangerous!" Heather whisper/yelled

"We'll never know unless I talk to them" Paige retorted, slightly irritated. She struggled out of her grip -for a short girl, Heather was pretty strong- Paige ran after the silhouettes quickly, attempting to catch up with them before they got too far.

Heather rolled her eyes, and let out a sigh

"I'm not going to let my ticket out of here get killed." Heather muttered to herself, running after Paige.


A/N Hello, I am the co- author of this book! darlingimonfire. I've decided to help my boo-bear with this book, because she is a really bad procrastinator and without me, you probably wouldn't have got this chapter till next year, so say thank you A! The media for this chapter was made by me.

A/N: So hey, It's me now, the REAL author of this book. Huge thanks to darlingimonfire for helping me with this chapter and further chapters to come. Hope you enjoy this, huge plot twist headed your way ;)

Byeee xo!

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