Superflash Short Story

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Disclaimer: i cant write action so the action parts is shit

This story Kara and Barry live on the same earth after a lab explosion causing earth 38 and earth 1 to merge

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Earth Prime - 2035

I am Abigail Danvers Allen well I go by Hope when my adoptive parents took me in and I am the adoptive daughter of Barry Allen the Flash and Kara Danvers Zor El Supergirl. My Mother saved me from a covert organization that was doing experiments on children it sounds worse when it was my actual parents doing the experiments on me. Along with my brothers and Sister they would inject us with different serums, testing what it can do to us and use us a weapon for war my siblings didn't make it and I was the only one that survived. Supergirl saved me when i was 8 and she adopted me soon I met the Flash and i got front row seats to see their love blossom. 

They got married when I turned 16 and they gave birth to 4 other kids a set of twins and I became a big sister to them. Although all things good in my life have it's expiration date and unfortunately my family was taken away from me not just them but the entire world since the Multiverse was dying a villain decided it will be fun to make a machine and make everyone vanish into thin air I was not affected by it as I traveled through time for a mission and when i got back everyone was gone. Now it was up to me to save the earth i knew and I would go through great lengths just to make things right again....

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Earth 1 2020

Narrator Perspective:

Barry Allen and Kara Danvers are great friends, they known each other for a fair bit of time ever since Barry accidentally breached himself to earth 38 and got stuck there for a few days although to Barry a few days felt like months being a speedster and all but who would have thought the short period they spent together would cause them to develop feelings for each other. The day on the field when Barry was about to go back to his earth that hug he had with her

He felt home, he felt like it was where he was meant to be and it was the feelings he never felt around Iris

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He felt home, he felt like it was where he was meant to be and it was the feelings he never felt around Iris. Although that was what he regretted not having the guts to tell her that he was falling for her , instead he buried that feeling deep deep down and locked it away. But what he didn't know was that Kara felt the same. So both heroes who clearly love each other are with people who everyone would think they would end up together now that is a great story isn't it? What was buried has a chance of resurfacing or so they thought when an explosion causes Earth 1 and Earth 38 to merge, the two superheros reunited but with a significant other already.

 Now fast forward they both are engaged and about to get married man that sucks I was rooting for them but maybe our Superflash hearts still have hope when a crisis struck. It was a normal day, Flash was running around his home city while Supergirl was flying over hers, they then were both called to their base this was different as they went to the base where was only used if it involve multiple heroes by that a crisis was coming. Both landed on their feet and greeted their significant other with a kiss

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