Chapter 1: Bizarre New Life

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( This is a no harem fic. I ain't writing the cringe that is rwby harems. )

Y/n has survived endured many things in his life. Car crash, which caused damage to his hands at the age of 8. Getting hit by a truck, at the age of 13 which caused him to be paralyzed from the waist down. And now cancer at the age of 19.

Y/n had been through all of these things. He is a person who death constantly tries to kill.

Despite being fucked over by the world many times. He has powered through it all.

Unfortunately, Y/n finally lost to death at the age of 24. His family, friends and those he knows will remember him as the strongest person they have ever met with everything he has been through.

They mourn for his life. A life that could have been great if the world hadn't constantly fucked him over.


Y/n only saw darkness. His cancer had finally killed him. He was saddened by his death, but at least he managed to say goodbye to those he care and went out with a satisfied smile.

Y/n: Yare yare, so this is death huh? Wonder what the after life is like.

Y/n saw a light. It was a bright white light. He gazed at it, accepting whatever happens to him now.

The light was extremely bright. It caused him to close his eyes with how bright it is.

Y/n: Gh-ua? ( What? )

Y/n tried to open his eyes. Key word "tried". For some reason, his eye lids felt heavy. His body felt small and he felt like giant hands were holding him. He could hear things but he couldn't make out what they were. He tried to speak, but only baby noises came out.

He had finally managed to open his eyes, but only to see blurs of colours.

Y/n: ( What? What is happening? )

Y/n blinked multiple times, trying to see what the blurs were. It very hard for him to blink. Eventually, he finally manage to see for a moment.

He saw a white haired woman smiling at him. He also saw a baby next to him.

It took Y/n a minute to process what had just happened to him.



Y/n was ecstatic. He never really believed in reincarnation. Even if reincarnation was real and he believed in it, he thought he would forget his past life or forget most of it.

Y/n: ( Yare yare daze. )

While Y/n did think this second life was a blessing. He also thought it was a nuisance as he first thought he could finally rest in piece in the afterlife or something.


Y/n theorized many things when he was being reincarnated. He expected his second life to be living a normal life in the middle ages, a life where he has a gamer system like those gamer fics he read, perhaps even just poofed into existence.

He didn't expect to be the younger twin of Whitley Schnee aka Shitley from what the fandom calls him due to being Jaquass Jr.

Y/n: ( Although with my presence, Whitley probably won't even be like that because of my influence on his life as his twin and family member that actually spends time with him. )

Currently Y/n was 8. During his 8 years of his new life as Whitley's younger twin, he had been very close to him, unlike his other Schnee family members.

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