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A door creaks sound, kkami runs at high-speed as soon as Sam enters inside the house. He cuddles, and kisses kkami after a long tiring day, but as usual, kkami rejects his kisses. Sam smirks at kkami and searches for dog food to feed kkami. He gave the food, kkami eats so fast. "Ah, this is why you came at me faster", Sam smirks. After feeding kkami, Sam washes his face and sits in the chair to write his daily journal.

Day 28 of Feb,

Last day in Las Vegas, my 2nd year of my college finishes today, until now I saved enough money through working on part-time jobs for . yes, student exchange program, of course, I like Las Vegas, but Korea is home for me. Maybe, If I go to Korea, is there any chance my nightmare which I had for last five years will go away???

He closes the diary annoyingly.

He watches his reflection on the window and sighs with a long face. Two-step forward, he watches the beautiful city landscape through window and smiles. "Why should I worry when I have Kkami and this beautiful view to heal my life?!" Sam says with a pretty smile.

"SAVE ME" he heard a sudden female voice. His smile gone away within a second. The same voice? he asks himself. Placing kkami aside, he searches around the room.

A sudden thought.

He stops searching.

His eyes open up shockingly.


"Why am I hearing the similar voice when I'm not sleeping? I usually hear this voice when I have nightmare, isnt it? Or am I dreaming myself right now?"

"AH", He pinches himself. "It's not a dream".

"NO IT MUST BE DREAM!!!" he says with a fear. He lifts kkami and goes to bed believing its all a dream.

Sam senses something on his left shoulder.

He slowly turns around; it was a hand covered with black colored dusts and little bit of branches.

His fear exceeded beyond the level; he turns around fully.

A girl with white dress covered with leaves and branches all over the body.

Room is filled with silence, Sam froze at the same place and kkami keeps on barking.

"Sav...vee me...eeee", the girl says with a stuttered voice.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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